Seven Places Without You

Seven Places Without You

2018 • 120 pages


Average rating1


Here comes a rant and spoilers.

Let's take a quick look at one particular line in the summary. “Seven Places Without You” is the story of a young couple's first experience of a relationship on the rocks. I am very confused on why it says “couples” when we clearly see Elena for 100+ pages moping around crying about “Jorge” who I thought was a figment of her imagination until the very end. When the dingleberry shows up I was very surprised.

Elena lives with Jorge in his family's house and never comes home at night. Where is he? Nobody knows. He's probably batman for all I know. Due to this Elana decides that it is time for her to leave because living with your boyfriend's parents is weird since he is never home. I am not sure why it is presented as if Jorge broke up with Elena, when its Elena who leaves without saying a word to Jorge.

So, we see Elena depressed for entire novel. Yes, the ENTIRE novel. Her two friends are cool, clearly living their best life. Elena's parents are cool. Even Jorge's mom is really nice. I wanted to like Mario but he was extremely pushy and kept trying even though Elena wasn't interested.

Then we meet the infamous Jorge towards the end. He acts as if nothing has happened. Like he really tries to engage in normal conversation and acts like everything is okay. It was AWKWARD AND WEIRD and Elena says at some point that its awkward. Then she has the nerve to sleep with him AND make him breakfast in the morning. Not only is Elena depressed but now she has to pay rent due to Jorge and she decides to cook him breakfast in the morning. I was fuming. The dialogue between them is weird and there is no chemistry. He throws the word romantic around like its supposed to mean something. He still doesn't explain himself. I understand what it's like to be self involved but Jorge needs to explain where he was and why he didn't bother to even check in to see if Elena was okay.

Not a fan of the art work style. It worked well for this story but in general I don't like it. The colors were very dull and made the story even more depressing for my eyes.

9 days into 2019 and I am already writing a 1 star review.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

January 9, 2019Report this review