Average rating3.9
This book scared me at first when it first showed up in the mail. It was large and imposing. I read like 6 other books before I steeled the nerve to read this and I'm glad I did.
It was amazing.
I love how technical and hard science fiction, Neal Stephenson goes with this. I could go on and on about this book but I would rather leave you to discover it on your own.
My best attempt at not spoiling things but still giving you something to go on would be that the first 2/3s of this book are almost a ‘The Martian'-esque (Andy Weirs' novel) following a group of people and how they deal with this global issue. The last 1/3 of the book moves into a more scifi/fantasy area that really allows brings a sense of closure to the nail biting first half of the book.
If you have the time and patience to read this long but worth-it book; do it.