Sh*t Happens: The Book: Somewhere, Someone is Having a Worse Day Than You: Regrettable Realities That Really Happened to Unlucky Chumps the World Over

Sh*t Happens

The Book: Somewhere, Someone is Having a Worse Day Than You: Regrettable Realities That Really Happened to Unlucky Chumps the World Over

2006 • 325 pages
Sh*t Happens: The Book: Somewhere, Someone is Having a Worse Day Than You: Regrettable Realities That Really Happened to Unlucky Chumps the World Over

Sh*t Happens: The Book: Somewhere, Someone is Having a Worse Day Than You: Regrettable Realities That Really Happened to Unlucky Chumps the World Over

Publisher: Workman Publishing Company

Type: Physical Book

Language: English

Pages: 325

Information: First Paperback Edition

Release Date: 2006-12-23

ISBN 10: 0761144366

ISBN 13: 9780761144366

Readers: 1

Country: United States of America