She Drives Me Crazy

She Drives Me Crazy

2021 • 298 pages


Average rating3.9


Mira, le iba a dar 4 estrellas pero es que ese final, esos personajes, la trama, los mensajes de la historia. Es que no le encuentro error. ES QUE ES PERFECTO.Mis notas en Kindle: Highlight (Yellow) Location 193I will do whatever it takes to show her that leaving Grandma Earl—leaving me—was the biggest mistake of herlife.Highlight (Yellow) Location 340tasteful Pinterest crap.Highlight (Yellow) Location 342Last year, Dad made them look like they were doing the macarena.Highlight (Yellow) Location 458“Oh come on. AP European History? A class where you literally study how white people fucked up the worldwith the Crusades and colonization and smallpox? Yet there's no room in the budget to offer Asian or AfricanHistory? Yeah, no. If that's the pinnacle of academic study our school has to offer, I'll fucking pass. Say whatyou want about Ms. Bowles's ‘regular track' modern history class, but she makes a point of dismantling thewhole European hegemony thing, and that's a much better use of my time.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 478growl.Why this verb... WHYHighlight (Yellow) Location 545‘gay Ginny Weasley.'”Highlight (Yellow) Location 567“Does it feel like carpooling with a Kardashian?Highlight (Yellow) Location 577“I'd give her zero.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 611Literally. Irene has brought her squad to watch us play.OmgHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 623And for the first time, I think it's not a bad idea.Mae mia quiero drama YAHighlight (Yellow) Location 638I forgot how exceptionally unique you are.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 778“It's all perception, Scots. Making people see what you want them to see. If you want them to think you matter,start acting like they should already know that you matter.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 785“Maybe Irene isn't as bad as you think,”susHighlight (Yellow) Location 827she-roes.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1037“I want to pay you to date me.”*i loled when i read thisHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1169“And yours are as cold as your heart,”LmaoHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1380“It's for the newspaper!”I cant lolHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1494me.WhatHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1514It's the first time she's said my actual name,Eso se llama progresoHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1522“Both.”Ole el dramaHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1529It's weird that her hands are starting to feel familiar.SusHighlight (Yellow) Location 1679HenchpeopleHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1688the newly gay Irene Abraham.”:OHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1900No. Stop.Ejem,:/Highlight (Yellow) Location 1907I tell myself it's probably 666, but the joke doesn't amuse me the way it normally would. It's been a weird,confusing night.Highlight (Yellow) Location 1933“Everyone's weird.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 1934Touch me and you die.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 1951She talks about you all the time. ‘Oh, Scottie has two sisters. Scottie killed it at practice yesterday. Scottie lovesthis song.'”No me lo creo :OHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2049“Are you talking about me?”Que me mueroHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2056“Good. Neither am I.”No se lo cree nadieHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2139But I do know that the smiles we're giving each other are as real as the points on the scoreboard.How cuteHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2185It's because I can no longer deny that I actually like her.Lo sabía,sabia que este momento iba a llegarHighlight (Yellow) Location 2306Dear God, please bless my ruthless enemy on Christmas, even if she is a cheerleader...”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2346“Or a girls' basketball game.”CuteHighlight (Yellow) Location 2387“Scottie,” she says softly. “Don't overthink it.” “Overthink what?” “Kissing me.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2401but I did have a thing for Anne of Green Gables in second grade.”I cantHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2515“You'll have nothing left of her, but you'll have yourself, Scottie.”Que bonicoHighlight (Yellow) Location 2591“You mattered to me,”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2615What else can I say but yes?You can say f.e: NOHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2695she pushes into me and kisses me.NoHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2762“No—wait—please,”Que no se vaya por favorHighlight (Yellow) Location 2773“You didn't cut her out, she cut you out.Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2798and watch her drive away.No puedo,helpHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2814“Who died?”En español sería:¿Quién sa muerto?Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2833“I've always thought you were amazing. Why did you need Tally to show you that?” That's when I start sobbingagain.AmoHighlight (Yellow) Location 2842“In your heart?” Daphne asks. I run my fingers up and down my sternum. “Everywhere.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 2881“You will move through life and fall in love with many different people, and at some point, you will get yourheart broken. It's unavoidable. The key is to not be afraid of the breaking. People break our hearts, but theycreate more room in them first, and that room makes it possible for us to become more ourselves.”Que poetisa la madreHighlight (Yellow) Location 2920“You and Irene are always straight with each other. I mean, in a gay way.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 2929“No offense, but your best friend is smarter than you.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 2966It's like my brain gets it but my heart is lagging behind.Highlight (Yellow) Location 3002“I want to get to a place where I'm ready for you,” I whisper. “Just get to a place where you know howwonderful you are,” she whispers back. “They're one and the same.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 3009Because before you can worry about who's in your passenger seat, you have to learn to drive yourself.Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3101“I'll be cheering for you.”Love thisHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3126“And, lastly, with a record number of write-in votes ... Danielle Zander.”No me lo creoHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3174And I can prove it.”comoHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3184So Zajak was still hooking up with Gibson this whole time? I guess Irene really was just using her for showTe odio, sociopata de mierdaHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3189“You've showed your true colors. I doubt anyone will vote for you now.”Mira Irene, enseñales a todos la foto de vosotras dos besandoos y que se vaya a la puta mierdaHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3203“Yes you do. You lost someone you loved, and you're not even sure what kind of love it was in the first place,so now you're turning into a manipulative narcissist who can't stop craving Irene's attention.Real,tíaHighlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3224I know what I have to do.Que vas a hacer #MIEDOHighlight (Yellow) Location 3235Why are our classmates so willing to believe Irene would use you, but not willing to believe she's in love withyou?”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3244“You and I wear the same size. Do you happen to have an extra cheerleading uniform?AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAHighlight (Yellow) Location 3292“Nice to see that my cheerleader daughter has a personal cheerleader of her own.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 3370“I've been falling for you since the second you hit my car,” I tell her, my voice shaking. “You are the mostbrilliant, passionate, infuriating person I've ever met. You make me feel seen.”Highlight (Yellow) Location 3429and Daphne is staring at Danielle and Kevin like they're in a movie.Highlight (Yellow) Location 3434“Mmm, I'm gonna call bullshit on that. You claimed you didn't hit my car, either.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3458“I need you to beat Charlotte.”Me tooHighlight (Yellow) Location 3480The marquee has read PROM NEXT MONTH all week, but someone messed with it so it now reads PROMSEX MONTH.Highlight (Yellow) Location 3486It's not “In Your Eyes.” It's the Fine Young Cannibals song we listened to during our first week carpoolingtogether.Highlight (Yellow) Location 3488“Because the other one is so fucking cheesy. ‘She Drives Me Crazy' is much more our vibe.”Highlight (Yellow) and Note Location 3500You would think, based on the fact that I've watched the Say Anything ... boom box scene a million times, thatI wouldn't have bumblebees in my stomach when my cheerleader girlfriend reenacts it for me in the schoolparking lot. You would be wrong.Lloro

June 26, 2021