Average rating3.7
3.5 Stars
I'm happy to have completed this before Bloodwitch comes out next month!
- Storytelling: This book was written in journal form and I absolutely loved the multiple POVs even though it was truly Ryber's journal. It was vital to the story to have Eridysi's journal as well to explain what happened a thousand years before.
- World: This novella puts you right back in world of the Witchlands and all the magic and powers associated with it. While I missed the characters I have come to love, I loved being back in the world.
- Backstory: I loved learning more about the Sightwitches and what happened to them prior to the start of Truthwitch.
- Ryber: I honestly do not remember her from either Truthwitch or Windwitch. I know she was a side character but other than her “relationship” with Kullen I have no recollection of anything she does in those two books.
- Questions: I feel like this opened up too many questions about the past that I do not know how we are going to get answers to them. I really hope Susan Dennard is able to tie everything up in the next three books but it worries me because there are now so many new characters we have been introduced to and who now needed endings to their stories.
Okay...listen to me... I wanted to come out of this yelling at the top of my lungs saying how much I LURVED this book. Instead I really really liked it.
For what it is ... a novella and backstory....it's really good. We get to find out about the Twelve Paladins. We get to see Ryber and Kullen and the beginning which was sweet and heartbreaking. We get more about the Witchlands and how it began before things are how they are. I like the formatting and the artwork. It added to the feel of the book.
The blurb says it sets up Bloodwitch ( AEDUAN. I'M READY FOR YOU , BABY) so I'm excited to see where this pops up and I like that I'll have that extra bit of knowledge.
I loved this preview! I've never read the other books by Susan Dennard, but I was intrigued the moment that I saw this preview. Even better, it's book 0.5! This meant that I wouldn't really spoiler myself as badly as if it was book two.
I loved the photo's / sketches in the book. I haven't read the other books, but I love the main character from this part. Might be an evil character after all, but for now, i really loved her.
I'm so ready to read the other books by Susan!
I really liked this. It was great to learn about Ryber's past and how she met Kullen. I loved the diary format too. Now I'm ready for Bloodwitch.
This is a short novella that comes after the first two books in the Witchlands series, before the most recent release. I heard some reviews mentioning that the plot of the novella is essential to the third book, so it was the natural next book to read.
Sightwitch is different to the other books in the series so far in a few ways. Firstly, this is an epistolary novel told in first person. I don't usually like epistolary novels, but this one really didn't read like one and it didn't inhibit my ability to enjoy the story. I am also not partial to first person stories, but I quite enjoyed it in this book.
In the story we follow a Sightwitch who feels an intense sense of responsibility and pressure by the role that has always been predicted of her and her journey to meet those expectations. I don't want to say anything else about the plot because the novella is so short, but I really enjoyed the story.
I also took a stupid amount to time to remember where I'd heard the name Ryber before in this series.