Average rating4.1
I really enjoy what I've come to refer to as the scavenger hunt genre of YA. Books along the lines of Papertowns, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and I am the Messenger, where one person sends another on a journey to do seemingly random things that have hidden meaning. It is sort of an emotional/coming of age National Treasure if you will (with less Nick Cage). This book is both a prime example and a wonderful addition to this genre. I loved it start to finish. It made me laugh, feel a range of emotions, and want to go out and do something new. It is a perfect summer novel!
I listened to the audiobook on my journeys to college, and I will say it is not a great audiobook. There are a lot of random pauses, just moments of dead air for no apparent reason. I kept imagining the page flipping on the audiobook script. The voice acting was pretty great though.
4.25/5 stars
This book was pure adorable. Everything about it.
Frank Porter is such a little bean and if you are looking for a good guy male romantic interest I suggest picking this book up! All the characters had so many little quirks that made them really come to life. I also loved having a male/male friendship shown in depth in a book as well as just a platonic male/female friendship. The activity that the family/parents play in this book is realistic. It shows that parents aren't perfect but they are there when needed. The plot had a very good arc that I truly loved if you are a more plot-driven reader. Just this book was pure joy and a great summer read!
I actually want to give it a 3.5 but it was good enough to warrant rounding up rather than rounding down.
I just finished reading it and .... I really enjoyed this book. At first, I did not think I would, but, as the saying goes, “Never judge a book by its cover.” This group of friends made me nostalgic. I wished I had friends like this in HS.
Great job, Morgan Matson. I am inspired to work on a yearly bucket list.
Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del CuentoCuando terminas un libro de Morgan Matson, la nostalgia es parte de tus emociones finales. Y las ganas de abrazar a alguien, en este caso: a tu mejor amiga.A veces hay libros que sientes fueron escritos sobre ti, sobre una experiencia que viviste, te sorprende como el escritor puede ponerle nombre a las emociones que no estabas seguro sentiste o a las cuales simplemente no le querías poner nombre, como puede trasladar esos pensamientos que no has querido profundizar, eso me ha pasado con Since You've Been Gone. Un libro que ha sido un poco aterrador leer por lo personal que lo sentí.Cómo Morgan nos tiene acostumbrados, nos trae una narración adictiva, una dónde no te das cuenta los muy (de verdad bastante) largos que puedan ser los capítulos o párrafos, siempre resalto que soy una lectora perezosa y prefiero los libros dónde el diálogo predomine porque es más fácil leerlo, pero no con Morgan. En Since You've Been Gone te da unos dos primeros capítulos que suman más o menos noventa páginas, las cuáles no vas a notar porque pedirás más. Disfruté cada párrafo largo, cada diálogo preciso, cada recuerdo. Sin duda, los libros de Morgan no solo se leen, son una experiencia. Al principio, tenía cierto recelo con la historia, la sinopsis y los vistazos que se nos da al principio sobre Sloane parecen bastante tópicas, la chica perdida que intenta poner buena cara a todo pero llega un momento dónde solo cae. Estaba aterrada que sobre eso, porque si eso pasara, las probabilidades que las esperanzas de Emily sobre encontrar Sloane al final sean extremadamente dolorosas.Oh, Emily. Es extraño pero me sentí identificada con las dos. Sloane con su desaparición y Emily con su timidez, o el hecho que las dos hayan tenido que mudarse mucho y no tener del todo raíces y sentirse un poco abrumada cuando de repente encuentras personas constantes en tu vida, sentirse aterrado de las despedidas.Otra de las cosas que me encanta de Morgan es que no pierde la inocencia en sus libros, con tanto New Adult y libro muy explícito ahora último, es extraño y bastante agradable leer una historia dónde los adolescentes son eso, adolescentes, quizá sea demasiado ingenuo de mi parte pero me gusta creer que no hay necesidad de ir (del todo) al lado oscuro para tener diversión. Since You've Been Gone no es un libro de ponis y arcoíris, al contrario, es solo la manera de Morgan Matson sobre cómo contarte una historia que hace algo más este libro.Gracias Morgan por un libro que necesita mucho en este momento, un libro dónde el romance no es esencial para hacer interesante el libro, hay uno y es tan real, los que hemos experimentado a Morgan sabemos que con ella no hay insta love y que el romance solo algo de segundo plano, gracias por darme un libro que me hizo llorar en momentos bastante extraños, como les dije, este libro ha sido muy personal, desde la historia hasta la manera de cómo tratar ciertos temas en el libro. Gracias Morgan.Twitter Blog Pinterest Goodreads
I really liked this book: the story was cute and I could relate to Emily. There's a great development of Emily's character throughout the story which I really liked!
All in all the story was funny, entertaining and heart-warming, so I'd give it 4.5 stars :)
In a well-ordered universe, I would stay up all night long and finally finish this book well into the morning. Which I just did. The universe seems pretty well-ordered right now.
so cute! I feel like if a lot of shy people had a list similar to hers and followed through with it, they would grow as much as the main character did. I really enjoyed the story and how some of the items got checked off. I would recommend this book to most females especially around high school age but earlier or later is good as well.
This book is definitely one of my new favorite contemporaries. The concept and characters in the book were amazing and the imagery was so detailed that I was easily able to imagine that I was there completing the list with Emily myself (yes, even during the skinny-dipping part). Frank and Emily are my relationship goals, especially when they made up during the drive to South Carolina. (Also, I internally got all giddy when they mentioned NC cuz that's where I live!) This book deserves more recognition and I will definitely be reading more from Morgan Matson soon!
This book was so good. I loved that it was such a summer read. The way Emily was afraid to do anything on the list was so real. I am glad she managed to complete it. I loved the ending of the book too. I kept wanting to read this one. I never really wanted to put it down. Great novel Morgan Matson!