Cover 5

Sing Me to Sleep

2021 • 168 pages


Average rating4.5


This definitely spooked me, hence the long time it took to read it. It wasn't until about 50% where it took a less spooky turn and allowed me to get through it in one sitting.

What you won't get from R.M Virtues: Mediocrity.

Just know that you will always get world building, character development and the hottest sexy times ever. What the author also does well is create an ambiance where you viscerally feel the connection between the two MCs. I think it comes through in other works more intensely and more clearly than it did in this one. However, you understand what the FMC needs from her demon and why he's willing to give it. This story was intriguing from beginning to end.

There is no denying that I will continue to read the books this author writes and puts out into the universe.

October 9, 2022Report this review