Average rating4.1
Books 1-3 of cradle were fun, great reads in their own rights. But Book 4 Skysworn things begin to take off. We start to understand the true goals of a number of characters and with each of the first four books the world is truly coming alive.
Travis Baldree's performance so far is this series is also top notched.
Lots of things going on, finally we see characters that are much, much stronger than your regular sacred artists, to think this is just Book 4, still hoping for, but frustrating to see Lindon's climb towards truegold or higher, Yerin's steady increase in rank, and a new character.......
All I can say for a series that has already foretold some parts, this remains mysterious, exciting, what else would come out, how high is the pedestal for which our favourite characters are climbing for????
When the series sinks it's hook unto the reader, it stays hooked, my interest has never dwindled nor wavered, but the feeling for Lindon's plight shifts, for a meticulous and shrewd person, he is always scampering around for rank upgrade........I would like to throttle him, USE YOUR MIND WEI SHI LINDON, avoid the gimmicks, the shortcuts!!!
The time I spent reading this series will be cherished by me
This is pure awesomeness. The world & the cradle system is too awesome. And some of the plot lines are completed with so much satisfaction to the reader. Everything is revealed why some characters did something and still we will be eager to what comes next.
Thank you Will, and love you!
Executive Summary: Another enjoyable entry in this series, albeit not as good as [b:Blackflame 35023786 Blackflame (Cradle, #3) Will Wight https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1493626673s/35023786.jpg 56310116].Full ReviewIt's been a month since I read this and I got caught up in other things and apparently never wrote a review. Oops.I really enjoyed [b:Blackflame 35023786 Blackflame (Cradle, #3) Will Wight https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1493626673s/35023786.jpg 56310116] and rushed right into this one. I enjoyed it, but not as much as that last book.This book felt like a transition/setup book. I'm not exactly sure what he's setting up for next, although I have a few ideas.The characters continue to be enjoyable, especially Eithan. We also got the fight that's been building up since [b:Soulsmith 32283608 Soulsmith (Cradle, #2) Will Wight https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474963120s/32283608.jpg 52911130]. I will say that ended up being a bit underwhelming.The world building and magic system continues to be excellent too. We learn a lot more about the Skysworn (hence the title of the book) that were briefly introduced at the end of the last book. Their flying city is pretty amazing.That said, I didn't feel like as much happened in this book as in the last too. That's why I felt like it was a setup book.Overall though this was a good entry and I rushed right off into [b:Ghostwater 40280403 Ghostwater (Cradle, #5) Will Wight https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1527845246s/40280403.jpg 62568044], which is the last one to be published so far. I'm not sure what I'll read after that, but I plan to check out some of Wight's other series at some point in the near future.
I'm excited to learn more about Yerin, and the introduction of a new character, Mercy, and the mystery revolving around her has me intrigued. The series is transforming quite nicely into something bigger than just Lindon's journey.
This series gets better with every book. I almost gave this one my first five star rating, because the plot was great and the worldbuilding aspects really kicked into higher gear, and my major issue with the series (Lindon) made SOME strides towards actually being more dynamic than a cardboard box. For the first time in maybe the whole series, he makes a decision that is not motivated by “what will make me more powerful the fastest?”. That's major progress. Still not enough for the central character, though.
So maybe now he's graduated from cardboard box to cardboard cut-out of a person? Like one of those things you see in the mall, just a cut-out of a guy named Lindon pointing at himself, with a text bubble like, “I wanted to get more powerful, just like you!” outside of a GNC, or something.
Excited to start the next one. As usual, Eithan is the best character of this series by a long shot. Yerin and Orthos were great too. And the new addition, Mercy, seems poised to go interesting places in the future.
WOW. This makes up for every bit of slowness in the previous books. This went by so fast, there was so much happening!
A bit more muddled after the big event at the beginning goes down. I'm not sure how structured the plot will be, or whether to expect a series of events that are indeed unfortunate but not particularly influential to one another? I can see where Lindon is headed, though, and I am certain he will reach that goal given his history. Furthermore, I am glad that some of the Suriel elements have taken more of a front stage position this time.
I don't dislike these books, but after 4 books I'm also still not super invested, so I think I'm gonna move on to other books I'd like to read, maybe I'll give it another shot in the future.