Average rating3.5
After 2020 Christina Lauren wanted to write something fun to counterbalance the pandemic and thus, this is a very different book from the previous ones.The story is a second chance romance between Lili, a treasure hunting tour guide, and Leo, the man who broke her heart and, unknowingly, ends up making one of her tours with his friends. Although it was easy to guess where the story was going, I thought it was entertaining read and it is probably my favourite book from the Duo after [b:Love and Other Words 36206591 Love and Other Words Christina Lauren https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519633303l/36206591.SY75.jpg 57837128]. My main complaint regards to the third person narrator that I don't think it worked well here and created a weird story flow between the different POV.The romance is not the main focus of the book and because of that, I think it might not appeal to all the CL usual readers. However, I liked that the book distance itself a bit from the traditional romance formulas and created something a little bit more unexpected.