Average rating3.4
The third book in the [b:Uglies 24770 Uglies (Uglies, #1) Scott Westerfeld http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1296159834s/24770.jpg 2895388] series and probably the hardest one for me to read. Part of this was that it was hard to like the coldness of the Specials and there is a strange twist of environmentalism that seemed pasted onto this book.Not that I have anything against environmentalism, on the contrary, it just seemed to be forced on top of a story layered with life lessons about physical beauty, intelligence, equality and government control. Throwing environmentalism on top of it seemed almost too much.That said, a lot of the world-building and expansion was interesting and the story moved along well. Usually by the third book in a series like this, there is a lot of loose ends to be tied up so lots of elements feel expected rather than “oh no... what could possibly happen next?!?”I have [b:Extras 493456 Extras (Uglies, #4) Scott Westerfeld http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255885159s/493456.jpg 3315797] left to read but I am curious if it will be worthwhile to tackle it since the ending of Specials very much was an ENDING.