

Average rating4


These two are real yappers during sex, my goodness 🥵

The pining, yeeish. Made worse by the fact that these two knew the feelings were mutual, but they couldn't be together because..... reasons.

“Why is everything not enough then?”😩😩😩😩😩😩

Ask him, Devin. How am I your everything but it's STILL not enough? Not gonna lie, I low key hated Jarrod a bit during his waffling stage. I understood the why, but I hated that for Dev.

“My preference is you.”-Dev. Always sure. Always constant.

This was really nice. That said, at this point the hockey MC who must stay in the closet until he wins a Stanley Cup at which point he's immediately ready to come out in that very moment is a bit overdone. Or maybe I just like books with bi-awakenings AND sports romance so it's inevitable that I'll keep finding it.

I wish we could mix and match MCs to curate the perfect couples. I'm not saying Jarrod wasn't perfect for Dev. He was. Eventually. (his attitude towards the sex work thing was impeccable throughout, honestly) I'm just saying I'd have loved for Dev to get someone who matched his energy from the jump. Some of the heartbreak he had to hide WHILE being with Jarrod was excruciating to read.

I mean, for example, I'd have loved Shane Hollander to experience being in love with someone like Jarrod who's just as freaked out about being outed as he was. See how much he likes it then. I wonder if such a couple would just date in secret for ever.

That said. I liked this so much that now I have to go back and read the whole series from the start.

Oh, boy. But hey. First world problem.

April 28, 2024Report this review