Average rating3.7
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
In the not-too-distant future, Aliens (of various species) have made Contact with Humanity. It's not unheard of for them to be seen on earth, looking around. Many humans are worried about war with the aliens—that they're around to invade or something. What they can't accept is that the aliens just don't think enough about humanity to bother.
Nearby—but not that near—is a Space Station where the aliens that Earth knows about are living. It's important to know that the Space Station is sentient. She's allowed three humans to live on board. One is an ambassador from the U.S. (you're going to spend a lot of time wondering how he got that appointment, until—of course—Lafferty explains it, and then it'll actually make sense); another is our protagonist, Mallory Viridian (more on her in a bit); and Xan, an Army quartermaster, Mallory met in college a few years back.
People tend to die around Mallory. Well, that's not exactly true—people in Mallory's vicinity have a tendency to be murdered. When that happens, Mallory is really good at solving the murders, too. Sure, she has to repeatedly convince law enforcement that she wasn't involved in the murder—but after that, she's great at figuring out who did the killing. Her presence on the Space Station is her attempt at staying away from people. Her thinking is that if she's not around people, they can't be killed. Yes, there are two other humans on board, but she avoids them as much as possible for their own sake.
But now...Eternity has decided to allow a shuttle-full of humans to visit, and Mallory is worried. Beyond worried, really. She tries to convince Eternity to call it off, but before she can...there's a murder. And before long, there are others—is Mallory up for the challenge?
There's a lot that I liked about this novel—more than I'm going to be able to really dig down into. But one of my favorite aspects of the novel is the alien races, their cultures, how they relate to humans, and so on. Aliens should be...alien. They shouldn't all be humanoid with a few cosmetic differences. Novels are a better place for this than movies/TV because they're not limited by an F/X budget, but still, we tend to get variations on a theme. Lafferty's good at keeping the aliens strange and humans should be equally strange to them (beyond a McCoy-can't-get-the-whole-Vulcan-logic thing)
A couple of examples to start with: there's the food on the station—a lot of it is lethal to humans, some is just unpalatable (think of the way 80s sitcom characters would react to the idea of sushi, and then multiply that). There's also the way way that the universal translation device (fairly reminiscent of Adam's Babel Fish) being implanted is a bloody and painful process—which is still not easy and pain-free by the end of the book. Unless I'm forgetting something (likely) or haven't been exposed to the right things (very likely), I'm used to this being a seamless, easy and pain-free process in SF.
We are talking about races here that can remember thinking of species like humans (and some others on the station) as "masticatables,*" before they got to the point where they saw them as sentient beings who should be treated with respect and on the same level. Physiology, communication, ethics, and worldviews that we can't comprehend easily. Not only are they only barely interested in dealing with humans (it's never stated, but I think most of Eternity's residents wish they'd waited a few centuries before making First Contact)—they're sure not going to go out of their way to make things accessible to humans. It's up to the three on board to figure out how to survive.
* Of the thousands and thousands of words that I read last week, that's probably my favorite one.
That said, they are pretty curious about humanity's squishy bodies full of wetness, our lack of symbiotic relationships (oh, yeah, I forgot to mention—every other race in this book is in some sort of symbiosis). Isolated creatures are hard for them to wrap their minds around. Throughout the novel, various characters repeatedly express how they can't understand how humans get by without a symbiotic relationship of some kind—in fact, they pity humans for how they must be isolated and hampered by it.
I could keep going here, but without writing a few hundred words on each race, I'm not going to be able to say enough (besides, that's Lafferty's job, not mine). Let me just sum up by saying that these aliens are alien, and we're pretty strange to them. I love seeing both of these in action.
In my Spotlight post, wrote that Station Eternity is:
"a witty, self-aware whodunit with a unique sci-fi twist" (at least that's what the promotional material says—I'd call it a witty, self-aware Sci-Fi novel with a unique whodunit twist, if I was in the mood to split hairs).
Now, largely, genre is used as a marketing tool—how do we get this in front of the readers who are most likely to respond with their attention (and wallets, can't forget to get Lafferty and the publisher paid). As such, maybe it doesn't matter what genre it's classified as—and there's something to it. But genre also helps you talk about a book—the conventions of the genre, the way a book diverts from and/or uses them, etc. It also helps you find a book, "I'm in the mood for a good book," really doesn't get you very far, whereas "I'm in the mood for an Urban Fantasy," points you in the right direction.
So, Ace's marketing—and the title of the series itself—leans on the mystery. And I think that's fair. But I think the emphasis in this novel is on SF elements. That might not really be the case* in future novels in the series, but it felt that way this time. Lafferty's own bibliography and résumé are pretty heavy on Speculative Fiction, too—so it makes sense that the book would be Science Fiction-heavy.
* Pun unintended. But I really wish I had planned it.
Considered separately, I think the mystery part of the novel isn't as successful as the SF part is. That's largely because the SF aspects change the rules for the mystery. Thankfully, you don't have to consider the two strains separately—the book doesn't, there's little reason for a reader to do that (unless you're trying to talk about it in a blog post or something).
As I mentioned, most of the various races in the novel are in a symbiotic relationship of some kind to survive (and things do not go well for them when the symbiosis is disrupted). I think the relationship between the two genres here could be thought of that way—it's a mutually dependent relationship. The SF needs the mystery to generate and advance the plot, and the whodunit needs the SF to have a setting and for the characters to work.
Ultimately, I think a Mystery-reader who isn't that into SF is not as likely to enjoy this as a SF-reader who isn't that into Mysteries will. But I think readers of either genre who are open to the idea are going to find themselves really getting into this.
I've said almost nothing about Mallory, Xan or any of the other humans running around this book—but this has gone on too long already. Also, most of what I'd say is best discovered in the novel. So let me just say that Mallory is a fantastic character, and I'll sign up for at least three more books about her now. She's this great mix of neurosis (tied to all the murders around her, so they're understandable), talent, determination and snark. We don't get to know Xan quite as well—but I'll eagerly take at least one more book about him, too. He's going to be able to be a very different person after the events of this book, and I'm curious to see what that looks like.
Eternity herself is a character I want to understand more—and everyone on board, too. There's a Princess, for example, who seems like good comic relief when we meet her—and stays that way for most of the book. Then she does something and becomes a whole different kind of character—she's still a hoot, but she's a whole lot more.
That goes for the series, too—after Lafferty has created this world and shaken it up pretty well in this book, I want to see what happens afterward.
But I've gotten side-tracked, I want to focus on Station Eternity—there's a lot of backstory woven into plot, and Lafferty handles it well. We learn enough to advance the plot and understand the characters—but not so much that she can't throw us a curve-ball every now and then to be surprised by someone. And she does—and I relished each of them. These events and the characters will keep you on your toes.
This is a funny book—in the narration, some of the situations, and the way the characters relate to each other. The circumstances around a lot of the murders that Mallory encounters, for example, are frequently ridiculous. But it is not a comedy—we're talking about a lot of murders for one thing. Then there's intergalactic intrigue, the dangers of space travel, and life-or-death situations all around. The interactions and histories between the various characters are full of drama and the serious stuff that comes from being a person, too. There's a great balance of light and darkness throughout the book and Lafferty writes both with skill and a touch of panache.
I had a great time with this book and will be thinking about it for a while to come—and as I've suggested, I'm eager to see what's around the corner. I strongly recommend this book for mystery fans open to aliens walking around, SF fans interested in a different kind of story, and readers who like good things.
Originally posted at irresponsiblereader.com.
Interesting novel, and a story that is, I think, impossible to tell with only one narrator. 25 years ago the author would probably have gone with 3rd person, but since this is the era of multiple narrators being far more prevalent than they used to be, multiple narrators it is. At least they possess very different voices. But there are too many of them, and the story is unnecessarily complicated.
At least one species of alien is suitably alien, however, and not just "humans but X."
I was amused by just how much NC comes up, for a novel that's set in space.
Mallory Viridian is a murder magnet. When she's around, murders happen, and she's the only one who can solve them. She tries offering assistance to the police. She'd like to become an investigator herself. But her efforts are repeatedly blocked, and it isn't long before she becomes the top suspect in all the crimes that happen in her vicinity. This is a problem, and to Mallory, claiming sanctuary on a sentient alien space station where she's only one of three humans seems like a perfect solution.
Until the station decides to allow other humans to come there. The shuttle arriving from Earth is destroyed on its approach to the station, and humans and aliens both are dying, and Mallory is trying to figure out what the heck is going on before the station loses control and destroys them all.
It took me a minute to really get into Station Eternity. The different character arcs unfold through current episodes and flashbacks, and it felt a little convoluted at first. But if you start the book and feel that way, don't get discouraged. I promise it's worth it in the end!
Lafferty does a great job conveying how the few humans struggle to function in a space station built with no consideration given to them at all. The furniture isn't sized correctly, the food may or may not be agreeable, things we take for granted in our daily lives are a challenge for Mallory. Even communication with the different alien species can be difficult, translation bug notwithstanding.
I also enjoyed the descriptions of the different types of aliens aboard Eternity, as well as Eternity herself. The insect-like Sundry, the Gneiss who seemed like giant sentient rocks, the inscrutable Silence, each alien species had its own unique characteristics.
The human charaters were engaging, too. Calliope was one of my favorites, with her general attitude of badassery and nonchalance. I found it fascinating, too, that she could fail at multiple individual skills in military testing, but when you put them together, she was a juggernaut. And Mrs. Brown! She is the absolute best. She is proof that age doesn't have to be an obstacle to, well, anything you put your mind to.
When all the threads of the story came together, when relationships were revealed and the mystery was unraveled, it was glorious. I read past the end of my lunch break so I could see what happened. I normally don't like a cliffhanger, but in this case, I'm tickled. It means I get to dive into Eternity's universe for at least one more book, and I can't wait.
Five stars for a good mystery, solid sci-fi world building, well-written characters, and a story I'm clamoring to know more of!
Disclaimer: Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for a review copy. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't actually like.
After Playing for Keeps and Six Wakes, this is my third book by Mur, and I loved it just as much. The symbiotic aliens, the human characters, the setting and the murder mystery all hit a variety of my buttons. Did I read that this is going to be a series? Then I will definitely read the next books, as well as any others she's written that I can get my hands on over here.
This was really good fun - but absolutely not what I expected.The Premise: There is a woman around whom murders seem to occur suspiciously often and who seems to almost miraculously put the pieces together to solve the crime before the police. That's pretty much the plot of every “Cozy Mystery” series from Miss Marple, to the [b:The Vampire Knitting Club 41882197 The Vampire Knitting Club (Vampire Knitting Club #1) Nancy Warren https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1537203595l/41882197.SY75.jpg 65375197]. The difference is that this protagonist, Mallory, actually realises that this is not normal and desperately tries to avoid other people to prevent them dropping dead in a reliably intriguing manner. When humanity contacts aliens (in the very near future) Mallory begs a lift and moves to a space station in the hope that, by being away from humans, the murders will stop. Of course they don't...they just get more interesting.What I Expected: I thought that this would be a self-aware, low stakes comedy, playing on our understanding of “Cozy Mysteries”. Sort of along the lines of “What would a book co-written by Agatha Christie and Douglas Adams look like?”. I was wrong.What I It Was Really Like: What I found was that it was not really a comedy - there are some chuckle inducing moments, but this was less “Ha! Isn't it funny how murders always happen when she is there?” and more on the side of “If people dropped dead around you, wouldn't you be traumatised?”. Poor Mallory is only just holding it together. That said, I was just starting to get worried that the book was going to be depressing when it launched into introducing us to the world. This is a fascinating universe that Ms Lafferty has created, with a cast of weird, funny and interesting creatures and characters. Then the real plot kicked in and things got interesting....and then just when I thought I knew the direction the book was going in, that was when the real, real plot revealed itself and things got epic in a really fun way.OK, there were bits when things seemed to drag, and the flashbacks in the middle of the book got a little too much for my taste, but was it worth it? Oh yes! The final third of the book was just gold and really left me wanting to spend more time with these characters.
"Your princess is here, and she's fucking metal!"
This book was kind of a mess. I love sci-fi, and the premise of a murder mystery aboard a literal space station had me all sorts of curious and cautiously excited. I guess I was picturing a Holmes-ian mystery in a Deep Space Nine or Babylon 5 episode when I picked this up. This was....definitely not that.
Mallory has lived her life constantly on the run from murders that happen around her. From a young age, she's borne witness to murder after murder from people around her, and she's had enough. First contact with aliens has come and gone, and Mallory makes her destination the one place humans can't go–Station Eternity. But even after being there doesn't save her when the sentient station starts accepting more humans, and all her past trauma comes back with a vengeance.
This was an incredibly convoluted story, made worse with the inclusion of the backstories of nearly everybody around her. Full chapters are dedicated to how a character got to the station, and not all of it was relevant. There was also lots of infodumps disguised as dialogue which really dragged things out in places.
I also felt like the later scenes weren't exactly coherent in what they were supposed to get across. (subplot/backup character spoilers)Particularly where it involved the Gneiss's...Gneissi? Gneissus? Stephanie, Tina, and Ferdinand. Late in the book we get a plot dump about these rock-like aliens turning into...space ships and things? And there's this sideplot involving Stephanie and her grandfather/ship being at odds with one another that comes to a head in the middle of the murder investigation plot that felt unnecessary. Things just felt incredibly chaotic near the end.
Finally, (end spoilers here) there just wasn't a lot of murder investigation. Mallory clearly has been through this before and a lot is made of her investigatory skills early on, but the only real investigation she does is get stung by a hornet and realize her aunt is the murderer. Everything else is just a lot of chaotic flailing and dialogue.
So, I guess, in short, this wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I thought the premise was interesting and potentially rewarding, but we didn't get any of that delicious payoff. Kind of a letdown, honestly.
This was a fun read. A whodunit of sorts with a cast of interesting, quirky characters, human and alien. Definitely worth a read!
An interesting murder mystery in space. I am very interested in reading the sequel to this one.
4.5, 5 for now. All I knew about this book was that it was a sci-fi mystery, yes please and thank you, and that I didn't like the cover. So...you know that moment at the end of the rollercoaster, well after you've gone up the incline, dove and twirled and dove again, and it's over, you can see the platform ahead of you, but your brain is mush yet you feel really good? That's where I'm at right now. Half the book was the incline up - instead of nice scenery and clouds there were interesting aliens, characters I was curious about and seeds of mystery - then the drop - reveal after reveal after twist after reveal. WOW. My brain is mush but I loved that ride. It maybe wasn't the perfect book, I was sometimes confused and I sometimes just accepted things or made them make sense at the time, but I sure had a hecka lotta fun.
Oh, what's it about? In the not too distant future, Mallory happens to find herself around A LOT of murders - and she ends up solving them too. For some reprieve, she's granted permission to live on the closest alien space station, Station Eternity, where there's only one other human in residence. I think that's all you really need to know to go into it - enjoy the ride!
Also, now that I've read it I despise the cover even more.
Mallory Viridian is a magnet for murder - humans tend to die around her. So in a post-first-contact world it seems a sentient space station, host to a remarkable array of alien lifeforms that are decidedly not human, might be a great place to hide out. And it is until she gets wind of an Earth shuttle on its way to the station - which arrives with predictably turbulent results.
Military intrigue, pharmaceutical weapons, estranged families, rock aliens, super smart wasp collectives, vigilante brides, ADHD military contractors, and a whole lot more. Like a whole lot - the story goes off in multiple directions, with flashbacks, overlapping plots, and countless side characters. Shooting for madcap sci-fi but ending up unnecessarily chaotic with a story that barely manages to resolve itself. Ability overwhelmed by ambition but enjoyed the attempt.
If this book were adapted to film, it would be on par with Fifth Element (excellent movie). Just more mystery and less shoot-em-up.
The environments are outlandish and entertaining. Each alien race has their own quirks. Tina is the best!
The writing style is salty, humorous and tense. The alternating point of view works really well in this book.
Highly recommend! Just about to start Chaos Terminal.