Storm Front
1997 • 384 pages


Average rating3.7


The first in the Dresden Files series which has become a fan favourite for many people. What can one say about such iconic characters and the combination of magic with detective style work just is the complete package.
Some of the characters are great.  Carmichael is a detective and he is the skeptic.   He doesn't believe the main character can do Magic and that it is wasting money bringing in the psychic part to an investigation.
Murphy is the lead detective and she is a badass when it comes to anything physical.  She is not against the main character but she does ride him pretty hard about his old fashioned attitudes.  She is definitely not into the male opening doors for them or paying for dinner.  She doesn't need a man to do anything at all and she won't put up with them trying.
Harry the main character is so fun.  He is sarcastic and has no problem with fighting for what he needs or wants and he definitely doesn't fear people.  He is honest and has such a capacity for helping others 
My favourite character that was introduced is Bob the skull that houses a very powerful entity.  He is a great mentor for Harry but he also seems to have the dark side and could easily lead Harry down a wrong path.  He definitely has the lusty nature to him but he is supposed to be a spirit of intellect.  The opposites combined together just makes me laugh and makes him the best character.
I dislike one character and that is Morgan who is always after Harry trying to get him executed.  He is the biggest jerk in this book and he shows that he doesn't have a human understanding.
Early on the magic that is shown is a soulgaze.  I liked this as I thought that it was unique.  I love the thought of looking into someone's eyes and telling what is in their soul whether it be dark or light.
What also is good is that they have a magic system that is delineated by the power one must have and noone has an indefinite amount of energy both to power their magic and to direct it.
For me the magic systems that I like the best has limitations and will never be the fixall that many systems use.  I like the fact that knowledge is power and so are names.  Basically using the power words which to me makes things even more interesting.
The story itself is a lot of fun and who wouldn't want to be the hero of the tale and help to catch someone using sorcery to kill.

July 18, 2023Report this review