12 Books
See allBook 4 in the Jedi Quest series. In this book Ferus has been captured again by Inquisitoe Maloraum.
Malorum you meet in the other books but he doesn't have a large part. This book you see how loathsome he is and that he is very power hungry and corrupt. He wants nothing more than to displace Vader as the second in command and would love to have the ability to become a Sith and work for the Emporer in that capacity.
Palpatine also makes appearance as well in this book which is nice as he always felt very much a character that was not utilized correctly.
The story is the capture of Ferus but to me that was the more boring part as I liked more the background of Amidala. Finding out about customs of her people as well as her grandmother was what had me more interested. In fact it was what I really wanted and pushed me to read the Amidala trilogy that also has done out.
The third book in the Last of the Jedi series. This book has a good concept and I like the fact that he is going back to Coruscant to try and find a very important person.
The search for Jedi continues as Ferus Olin and his I guess you would call him partner Trever Flume travel to the heart of the Imperials home.
There they find a Jedi who knows goes by Solace. She is not what I think of as a Jedi as she seems to want to hide from what happened and continue to live in isolation. The worries of the Galaxy are not hers. I really don't like Solace when you meet her even though she protects people she is too far removed from everyday life of a Jedi and seems very cold.
The story was good but wasn't near as good as the first two books in this series. I don't think that there was anything wrong just it felt a bit rushed in pace and the story didn't have the same draw.
The start of a series that while it was released I wasn't aware of the series. It is a book series that doesn't have as much to do with the main characters from the movies especially the prequels.
Yes in this book we do see Obi-Wan Kenobi which is always a great thing for my mind and it wasn't a finished Kenobi like you saw in the newer tv show about him.
Ferus Olin was a Jedi Padawan during the time that Anakin was with Kenobi as a Padawan. He was the best apprentice until Anakin showed up. He saw the darkness that was part of the chosen one and couldn't prevent it so left.
Ferus is to become a main character in this series and shows just what he would have been as a Jedi Knight or even eventually a Jedi Master.
He stands up for what is right and that means he is a target of the Empire. To get at him they will use his friends against him which is why the old adage for Jedi is that you don't have attachments. They can't be used against you if they don't exist.
However that to me shows a weakness as you will be cold and distant and people won't trust you and won't believe that you will protect them when it is needed. Attachments to people bring out the humanity and allows people to feel that you will be there for them when needed.
The Eleven was a group set up by Ferus Olin and Roan Lands. The partners are very strongly linked together and is putting the people of Bellassa first and opposing the empire.
Trever is a younger person who has no family but has tried to do what he can to survive. He doesn't have the same connection to the Eleven. He is a favoured character for me as he has so much great qualities and I know that I wanted to see a lot more about him including what happened to his parents.
The story itself was very good and showed so much of what I loved about the expanded universe which is now legends.
I also like seeing more about what these characters will do. One thing I like is the individual books are shorter and are quick reads which gives you what you really need the taste of star wars.
In a lot of ways this to me is what the canon should have been. Emotional stories about survivors of the war. This is what I always wanted more from a sequel style something that would attach to you emotionally and get you invested in the lives of those who survived the purge but more so those who had fought in the wars that were linked to the Jedi but not Jedi.
The first in the Dresden Files series which has become a fan favourite for many people. What can one say about such iconic characters and the combination of magic with detective style work just is the complete package.
Some of the characters are great. Carmichael is a detective and he is the skeptic. He doesn't believe the main character can do Magic and that it is wasting money bringing in the psychic part to an investigation.
Murphy is the lead detective and she is a badass when it comes to anything physical. She is not against the main character but she does ride him pretty hard about his old fashioned attitudes. She is definitely not into the male opening doors for them or paying for dinner. She doesn't need a man to do anything at all and she won't put up with them trying.
Harry the main character is so fun. He is sarcastic and has no problem with fighting for what he needs or wants and he definitely doesn't fear people. He is honest and has such a capacity for helping others
My favourite character that was introduced is Bob the skull that houses a very powerful entity. He is a great mentor for Harry but he also seems to have the dark side and could easily lead Harry down a wrong path. He definitely has the lusty nature to him but he is supposed to be a spirit of intellect. The opposites combined together just makes me laugh and makes him the best character.
I dislike one character and that is Morgan who is always after Harry trying to get him executed. He is the biggest jerk in this book and he shows that he doesn't have a human understanding.
Early on the magic that is shown is a soulgaze. I liked this as I thought that it was unique. I love the thought of looking into someone's eyes and telling what is in their soul whether it be dark or light.
What also is good is that they have a magic system that is delineated by the power one must have and noone has an indefinite amount of energy both to power their magic and to direct it.
For me the magic systems that I like the best has limitations and will never be the fixall that many systems use. I like the fact that knowledge is power and so are names. Basically using the power words which to me makes things even more interesting.
The story itself is a lot of fun and who wouldn't want to be the hero of the tale and help to catch someone using sorcery to kill.
The fifth in the Jedi Quest series. In this book Ferus is going back to the imperial heart to deal with the Emporer himself. Yes amnesty was granted but would anyone believe Palpatine in regards to that.
The story is of Palpatine trying to win to his side a former Padawan. Ferus must find a way to reconcile himself to what he has to do to keep himself alive and his friends.
This they deal a lot with politics which is never easy to read in the same way they action filled books are. They tend to be a tad boring at times but this one was still good.
Good cam be corrupted and in this book it looks like that is exactly what the Emporer is trying to do to Ferus. Much like he did with Anakin Skywalker he used his family and the protection against him so that it was possible to turn them to the darkside.
Seeing all the villains that we love makes this book a lot better. Emperor and Darth Vader are great and it shows that the author really has a way with the characters that I grew up with.