Average rating3.2
When I really love a book or am seriously pulled into it then it takes me a maximum of two days to read it (with school and other stuff) but if I am not loving it that much then it takes me a bit longer. It took me a bit longer to read Stray, now I like the book; it was very good it just didn't hold my interest as much as other books did. The beginning began with a good action filled fight scene but then the pace slows down, we learn about our protagonist, a bit about her background, her life etc and we find out that she likes to complain. Faythe Sander's is a young college student in her mid twenties with plenty of rebellion under her belt. She wants to be treated like an independent woman and not a uterus with legs and we as the reader hear about it a lot along with a couple other things she isn't too happy about. Thankfully the story isn't only about that.
The fight scene was there for a reason, tabbies (female shifters) are being taken and it's the mystery behind the taking that keeps the pace moving. With each new reveal of information or new crime the story moves along more quickly until I am finally gripped and stay with the story until the end.
Stray is a well written book filled with drama and dotted with action. The protagonist was young and therefore annoyingly immature but in the later half of the book I grew to admire her for what a strong woman she was and for finally doing some growing.
I think I had to high of expectations, because this book wasn't as good as i thought it would be.
This book did not have a very complicated plot. It was a very quick and easy read. I wouldn't give it 4 or 5 stars simply because the content was lacking but overall it was a decent book. The main character did not fit her personality the author was trying to portray in the beginning of the book, it was like half way through she was a different or maybe younger character with her actions and thoughts.
I really enjoyed this book and it made me appreciate that even though my family is highly dis-funtional I know they'd take care of me.
Suka dgn world buildingnya, aku hanya kurang suka dgn tokoh utamanya, Faythe. Untunglah ceritanya bagus & tokoh2 yg lain juga menyenangkan. Kalau dulu2 kita sdh pernah menemui genre paranormal romance menceritakan mengenai vampir & werewolf, disini menceritakan mengenai werecat (pengubah bentuk kucing). Mirip dgn werewolf, manusia bisa terinfeksi virus werecat & menjadi werecat, namanya stray.
Faythe terpaksa mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada dunia kuliah setelah dia diserang oleh stray. Dia memiliki Pride, pimpinan ayahnya. Pride ini memiliki anggota werecat tertentu. Faythe kembali ke rumahnya, setelah 2 werecat menghilang & dia hampur menjadi yg ketiga. Kemudian diketahui ancaman yg dihadapi oleh Pride lebih jsih dari sekedar penculikan.