Strong Poison
1930 • 252 pages


Average rating3.8


I wonder if I wouldn't have enjoyed this more if I'd read the previous books in the series.

As is, I don't much care for Lord Wimsey. He's both silly and smart in a way that I don't find charming, not nearly as charming as to justify his flippant attitude. And I think that's something I'm supposed to enjoy about this book. That's not a literary criticism. It's really just my personal taste, I think.

Otherwise, this book is fine. I think the structure – beginning with a trial rather than ending – is very interesting. And there are lots of fun, cultural items from the time that I found entertaining.

But the plot is fairly pat and I just couldn't feel much tension in this book.

Not that it matters for the book itself, but the sound on the audiobook version is not very good.

January 7, 2019Report this review