Average rating5
His Father's Son. (And yes, that particular phrase happens in this book.) This was a solid ending to this trilogy, featuring the oldest son of the family - and the one to turn his back on the family ranch, yet still be there when needed. There is a lot going on here, both within the romance and with Zach finding out that he doesn't actually know everything he thinks he knows, and while the romance was a fairly standard/ fairly comedic “cold stoic meets fiery lady who can't help but be awkward in his presence” type, the emotions playing out here with Zach and his parents - and in particular his father, late - are easily the show stealers of the tale. Yes, for those who have read this series starting with Book 1 (or even 2, as I did), we finally find out exactly why Zach left. And, ultimately, we get a long view conclusion of a happily ever after. Truly a book that works well on all fronts and accomplishes everything it needed to both within its own tale and within the series. Very much recommended.
Summer Nights With A Cowboy is a funny and sweet romance. Crews adds witty repartee and lots of self-deprecating humor. The flirtation between the outlaw and the sheriff is so much fun. I love Zack's reaction to Janie. I think it is hilarious how everything negative he thinks, Janie thinks is awesome. I was shaking my head more than once at their antics.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.
Check out the rest of my review at Phoebe's Randoms. Link in bio.