Average rating4.1
This was pretty good for a novella. The story was super interesting. I want a taynix too
I loved this book. The action was great and I liked seeing what the humans where up to while Spensa was away. My favorite part is definitely the romance. I hope there's more of it in Evershore or Defiant. - July 21, 2023
An excellent addition to the story of Skyward. Strongly recommended for readers of the series. As someone who has read all the published books in the series, this, and [b:ReDawn 57903879 ReDawn (Skyward, #2.2) Brandon Sanderson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1633436358l/57903879.SX50.jpg 90713832], really feel like an integral part of the series - and I just love the characters.
I couldn't tell the difference in writing style between
this novella and Skyward/Starsight. This is top
quality stuff, like everything that comes out of
Sanderson's pen, and I couldn't tell it was co-written
by someone else. I think this is a must-read before
moving on to Redawn and eventually Cytonic.
Executive Summary: I thought this was an ok addition to the series, but a bit more melodramatic than the main series. 3.5 starsAudiobook: Suzy Jackson does a good job, but I kept thinking this was Spensa at times simply because I'm used to her normal voice being Spensa's voice.Full ReviewI think I was supposed to read this before [b:Cytonic 57571215 Cytonic (Skyward, #3) Brandon Sanderson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1622045953l/57571215.SX50.jpg 67851209] but I didn't seem to find an issue with reading it after.It follows FM, one of the supporting characters from the first Skyward novels. As I have been missing characters from that book, it was nice to get a story with them again. I believe the main series is considered YA, but it doesn't really strike me that way too often. However this book felt a lot more YA at times.I'm generally not a big fan of short fiction, but I thought this was a decent addition to the series for the length. I will probably try to pick up the other novellas at some point, but I'm not in a major rush.
I'm glad that we got another point-of-view and that it's novella rather then being part of Starsight
Can I get my own taynix, please? Seriously. I want one.
I really liked FM as a main character in this novella. It feels a little more YA than Sanderson's solitary writing does, but it wasn't jarringly different. More romance, which isn't my thing, but it wasn't the focus of the story so it was alright.
4.5 de 5
Esperaba mucho menos, y me sorprendió gratamente, este libro lo sentí más como el primero de la saga principal(el segundo me gustó pero no tanto como el primero).
El “inclusivo” en inglés pasa muy desapercibido, ya que se habla en “plural” y no como en la traducción en español con las E, por lo menos para mí eso es agradable, no interrumpe el ritmo.
A pesar que FM es la protagonista de esta novela, se siente más como una historia global con varios protagonistas, sobre todo siendo protagonistas las babosas letales jaja. La historia misma está muy bien lograda, veo casi como una lectura obligatoria esta novela antes de leer citonica .
No sé quién habrá escrito el final, pero si lo hizo janci patters, le quedó tal sanderson, por ende fue una lluvia de información y sensaciones sin parar, todo perfectamente logrado.
Le bajó 0.5 por el “"”romance””” que no se sintió muy natural la verdad, me cuesta asociar algo medio meloso a sanderson , no arruina la narrativa, pero se nota que no es sanderson el que lo escribe .
I love novellas. They add so much to a series when they are done right. Sunreach was great. It is told from the POV of F.M. and follows her, and Skyward Flight, during the time Spensa is away in The Nowhere.
This was a fun and enjoyable read and I really enjoyed getting to see into her personality and thoughts. I am definitely looking forward to the next novella, as well as the next main book in this series, Cytonic.
I love seeing the story play out from different points of view, so this was a cool book. It feels like it was cut a bit short, but ReDawn might solve that. It might also have been more intriguing if I read this while I was reading the main Skyward story rather than a year after.