Average rating3.3
This is dark fairytale meets urban fantasy meets detective thriller meets sci-fi. There are no true heroes (or; even heroes need to do their own dirty work?). It's fast-paced and a lot of things are happening. Like, a lot! Surprisingly, it doesn't feel clustered.
The story is sometimes morbid and absurd, almost horror-like, the same way The Library At Mount Char is ??? that is a positive in my book :)
I am not entirely sure I buy the character arcs of Nessa and Marie, but I'll refrain from passing judgement until I've finished the trilogy.
This is the first time in a long time I've wanted to pick up the sequel immediately. Because I need to know what happens! It's clear that Schaefer has a lot of love for these characters. I'm left wanting to read the Daniel Faust books and the Harmony Black books as well.