Tall, Dark, and Nerdy
Tall, Dark, and Nerdy
Average rating5
Nerds Rule! Ok, so this one was particularly fun for me because I am the nerd that can't communicate well with others and often both doesn't understand others and isn't understood by them. Never developed an app that I then sold for mega money (or any money) but I've been coding almost as long as Oliver has been alive in this book, and I've developed a few tools to solve problems presented in my own life, much as Oliver does here. So yes, very relatable to me in particular. But also a genuinely good book with a lot of laughs and an appropriate amount of angst - let's face it, these are teenagers we're talking about - and it does in fact have the RWA-required Happily Ever After. Very curious to see where Dallen takes the next book in this series, and this book itself is very much recommended.
4.5 / 5 nerdy stars
While nerdy heroes and best-friends-to-more are some of my favorite tropes, the whole billionaire thing... isn't. So I was curious to see how that combination would work out in this story.
I was downright delighted (ha!) to see that Oliver is not a spoiled trust-fund kiddo and that, despite his sudden wealth, he's mostly* the same down-to-earth guy as before.
“Honestly, Jackson, sometimes I think all this wealth is wasted on you.”
He didn't miss a beat. His lip curving up on one side in amusement. “That's why I'm giving it away to others.”
No one noticed me—not really—and then Oliver came along and noticed me enough for everybody.