Cover 8


Teedie: The Story of Young Teddy Roosevelt



Average rating4


This was a recommendation from the Hewitt Homeschool Lightning Literature and Composition. I believe it is a second grade book choice. I haven't been able to find it to purchase at an affordable price yet, but finally got it through the local library swap. I thoroughly enjoyed the text and that alone would get the book five stars in my opinion but the illustrations leave something to be greatly desired. Still I will continue to look for this one to purchase as a keeper for our shelves. It is full of a wealth of knowledge for the biographical reading of Theodore Roosevelt, a truly incredible person. While this book doesn't get in on his being a policeman commissioner or conservationist, it does cover his childhood challenges to presidency and his travels at least to the west if not to the eastern continents. It is a great start and introduction and I plan to share it with my girls.

Library book. YouTube read aloud...