That Ain't Witchcraft
2019 • 435 pages


Average rating4.3


This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

I didn't know these woods. I'd never been to Maine before, and [didn't have any of the family bestiaries to prepare me for what I might find. There are cryptids everywhere in the world, which only makes sense, when you consider “cryptid” means “science doesn‘t know about it yet.” New species are discovered every year, brought into the scientific fold and lifted out of cryptozoological obscurity. These days the word mostly gets used to mean the big stuff some people say is real and other people say is a big hoax, like Bigfeet, unicorns, and the occasional giant snake.

(Always assume the giant snakes are real. The alternative is finding yourself being slowly digested in the belly of something you didn't want to admit existed, and while I'm as fond of healthy skepticism as the next girl, I'm a lot more fond of continuing to have my original skin. As in, the one I was born with, not the one the snake has left me with after a little recreational swallowing me whole.)

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April 29, 2019Report this review