The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume 1
2007 • 500 pages


Average rating2

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

I'm generally not impressed by anthologies unless they contain authors I am familiar with. I decided to take a gamble since this was on sale and give it a shot. There were maybe three stories I enjoyed.....yes three...some stories simply made no sense while others took so long to develop I contemplated just skipping over them. One in particular that I actually did skip was called The Wizards of Perfil, in which a young boy was somehow in two places at once. Now this seems interesting enough at first, until the author neglects to put any break between him being in two places at once. Instead we end up with a smashed together story where he interacts with different characters in two different places at the exact same time, thus confusing the hell out of me. One sentence he's talking to someone the next he's interacting with someone in a different area not even remotely close to the first character he spoke to. What the hell? I think I will stay away from the rest of this anthology series.

March 22, 2015Report this review