The Breaking Season

The Breaking Season

2020 • 331 pages


Average rating3


I've been loving the Seasons series and this book was my most anticipated book in it. I wanted to love it, but sadly I didn't. I liked it, I enjoyed it, it was entertaining but I didn't love it. It might have been the crazy expectations that I had for these characters or the expectations I always have in K.A. Linde's books, I don't know.
The buildup to Camden and Katherine's story was incredible and at first everything was perfect: the game between them, Camden's darkness, Katherine's backbone, their chemistry. These characters were multi layered, complex, flawed, freaking amazing but at times it felt like their relationship was the weakest part in their story.
I loved Katherine's character growth, she was inspiring, strong and so much more than a socialite. There were amazing scenes regarding her character's growth story line and I loved this part of the book. I really liked how Camden grew through the story and the scenes with his family showed perfectly how much he changed and evolved. There were secrets revealed, family and health issues, and at times if felt too much to keep up with. I also thought that there was no need for that much drama regarding Pen and Fiona, during the previous books there was enough buildup of their influence in Camden and Katherine's relationship. I would understand if there were drama related to them at the beginning of the book but it was dragged through, at least until 65% I think, and in my opinion it was just over the top. The miscommunication served a purpose at first but it did get repetitive and annoying, I think there were many other aspects that could have been explored a bit more.
I still liked the ending because I loved these characters and of course I was rooting for Camden and Katherine. I loved the epilogue, it was so freaking perfect! Even though I didn't love The Breaking Season as much as I wanted to, I still enjoyed it. Can't wait to read Gavin and Whitley's story.

July 21, 2020Report this review