Average rating3.4
First off, I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Honestly, I'm torn. There were some fabulous parts that will stick with me long after finishing the book. And there were some parts that were just okay. Some places were deep revelations of the human soul. Some places I wanted to have the feels, but I didn't. There was no easy answer and I greatly appreciate that. Easy answers are not a good way to end a novel. The characters are deep and flawed and wonderful. But they didn't leap off the page and grab me. So my honest review, I'm glad I read it. The story is complex and that is important. However, it didn't capture me as I had hoped. Maybe another time and a different frame of mind would find my reaction to be different. Read it because it is good literature and that makes you a better person. But you may not fall in love.