Average rating3.4
reread this while reading [b:A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto 61279009 A Spectre, Haunting On the Communist Manifesto China Miéville https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1660079932l/61279009.SY75.jpg 58440526] and also read the turkish translation and original german. the original german was surprisingly... less dramatic than the english version. The wording is just more straightforward and the evocative passages kind of fall flat in the original. Although granted, this could be just me not being as good as german as I think I am. The turkish version is barely readable, it feels so needlessly complicated. If I wasn't familiar with the original I'd have put it down. Was interesting to see how much translation changes the experience. Feels weird to rate this but I don't like leaving stuff unrated so 5 stars as a commie