The Crimes of Rooker Flynn

The Crimes of Rooker Flynn

2024 • 660 pages


Average rating3.5


Overall a fun read but set in a dark and dangerous world. A nerdy teenager is abducted to another planet and things go wrong. Pretty standard stuff there, but Witham throws in some mystery, 'What happens to that guy from the first chapter?', and 'Who does everybody think this teenager is anyway?'.

There is a fantasmagoria of creatures, a frilly polka dot dressed rhino, talking cat people, crocodile enforcers, and more spiders than necessary, the full catastrophe. It's a book of excess from start to finish and I get the impression that Witham is happily trolling the genre, all the way to the cliffhanger ending.

I'm looking forward to Book 2 in what I believe is a trilogy.

August 20, 2024Report this review