Average rating3.8
I hated this book. I read it for my book club and I grew more and more frustrated by the book as I went along (although, if it matters, the rest of my book club had a much different reaction to it). As much as wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to care about a single one of the characters, and the ramblings of the main character made me want to throw the book across the room!
author doesn't know anything about autism. christopher is not only autistic, he's a sociopath. it's not even a proper murder mystery. 2nd half is tedious. aside from a few interesting and heartwarming moments, i was hoping the christopher dies in the end.
can't believe this is being compared to catcher in the rye.
I loved that this book wasn't romanticised and didn't have a straightforward pleasant ending. I loved the honest and raw portrayal of Christopher a 15 year old boy with autism. I think this book gives such a good insight into the point of view of someone living with autism and how they see the world. All the mathematics in this book went over my head obviously but nonetheless I found Chris such an endearing character and I found the other characters faults and issues really intriguing and gripping. A classic that I think any reader can get a lot from reading. A very heartfelt story and Christopher is a one of a kind character and the unsung hero of the novel. A deeply captivating story about human nature and identity.
I listened to the audiobook and just loved the narration by 10-12 year old kid. Audiobook version highly recommended.
Not sure what to think about this book, it made me quite upset about how the protagonist is treated by adults, especially by his parents...
This was a quick, quirky, enjoyable read. I adored the narrator. I laughed out loud several times, and even got a tad misty at the end.
I've been itching to read this book
for months. But when I finally received
it for my birthday and read it, I was
disappointed. An autistic narrator
did not seem to always make an engaging
narrator. In addition, the adult topics
the childlike narrator was confronting
were jarring to the innocent tone of the
book. In some ways, my reaction to this
book is similar to my feelings about
most graphic novels; the adult situations
and conflicts feel inappropriate in what
should be a protected environment.
I love books that help us understand certain things that we wouldn't otherwise.
This book is unnecessarily dragged out I really struggled to keep reading after the 40% mark for some time due to the alternate chapter writing method. One chapter will be about the main storyline and the next chapter will be about some fun facts, deep insight into how Christopher's mind works, math problems, Christopher's review of life etc. and again the next chapter will go back to the main storyline and so on. Basically half the book is just filler chapters if you think about it lol, I mean they are fun I learned some new things and all but the book could have been much shorter.
Disappointed that it's not a mystery book as suggested by the title, this book should have been called Memoirs of an Autistic Kid or Diary of an Autistic Kid haha, because that's exactly what this is, it's about how this kid views the world around him, his day to day struggles as an autistic I didn't know about autism much before reading this I have only seen it represented in a movie called Rain Man and I don't know how accurate the book is but it has definitely made me learn more about autism, really feel for the people who struggle with social interactions and crowded places and I can really relate to a lot of things which Christopher goes through.
It's an ok book nothing special about it the author did very well to make it look like a child wrote it I just didn't have much fun reading this nothing really meaningful happens.
So... this is a story of a boy with mysteries in his life. He wants to know, and his dad gets angry when he asks, so he finds out for himself. And the answers to the mysteries open up more mysteries. Life isn't quite that simple as it should be.
It's not funny. It's not unfunny either, but if you are expecting fun, you will be disappointed with this book. In reality it's a coming-of-age novel about a boy with Asperger's.
I have Asperger's and I don't have any problems with this portray. Though I want to say that not all Aspies are like this. We share some qualities, but not others. A lot of people without Asperger's have taken this book as a guide book on how people with Asperger's are, and that has caused a lot of people with Asperger's to get angry, because that's not how they are, but because it's in a book, it must be so, and the people without seem to believe a book over a real person they are discussing with.
Though... I have read a couple of reviews, and how people without Asperger's reads this book, or have understood this book... Some of that is very offensive.
Someone said it was funny. Perhaps people without Asperger's finds our lives and reasoning funny, silly, ridiculous, and THAT is offensive.
“a high-functioning, mentally challenged boy”. Autism isn't being “mentally challenged”. Our brain functions DIFFERENTLY from most people's. Most of us are more intelligent than “normal” people. Autism isn't a mental illness either. It's neurological difference, our brain is constructed differently. Not worse, differently. It's like comparing dogs and cats. Or, better yet, PCs and Macs. Neither is better, they just work differently and are incompatible in some cases, PCs do some things better, Macs some other things.
“he has all these dreams about being someone great and going to a top college, even though you know that his situation will never really allow it” “his situation”? Being the son of a divorced couple? Or what? You seriously think Autistic people are dumb?
That makes me angry. It's not this book that is upsetting for Autistic people, it's the non-Autistic people who read it and start making assumptions, based on their preconceived notions.
This is my review, in Finnish, from when I read it
Monet ihmiset jotka ovat autistisia, tai joilla on Aspergers, inhoavat tätä kirjaa. Heidän mielestään Christopherin kuvauksessa, päätöksissä, kuinka hän selvisi matkasta Lontooseen jne. ei ole mitään järkeä. Minä tunnistin itseni, niin voimakkaasti, että luin puolet kirjasta ääneen Henricille. Minusta on ällistyttävää, että Mark Haddon pystyi niin tarkasti kuvailemaan mitä minun päässäni tapahtuu...
Kirjan lukeminen vahvisti apergeriani, mikä oli aika epämiellyttävää, mutta myös sai minut tuntemaan itseni “normaalimmaksi”.
(Vahvisti: huomasin että teen paljon asioita koska olen oppinut että sitä “odotetaan”, sosiaalisesit. Kun luin kirjaa, lopetin, koska tuntui omemmalta olla “teeskentelemättä”.
Normaalimmaksi: Kaikki nämä pikkujutut, jotka häiritsevät minun elämääni, kuten “ylireagoiminen” sellaisiin asioihin kuin että lakanat on eri paria tai ruokajutut (miksi toisina päivinä voi syödä pataa, mutta toisina päivinä se olisi mahdotonta, koska “ruoka-aineet koskettaa toisiaan”... miksi jonain päivinä ruoassa voi olla luunsiruja, ja voin silti syödä sen, mutta toisina päivinä taas vähän kummallisen värinen perunanpala tekee ruoasta syömäkelvottoman... siis noissa reaktioissa ei ole mitään järkeä, ja se itsessään on hyvin häiritsevää. Kun minä TIEDÄN että ruoka on syötävää, että useimmat muut ihmiset söisivät sen hyvällä ruokahalulla, että minä itse söisin sen ilman vaikeuksia... enkä vain pysty pakottamaan itseäni syömään. Ja että sen pitää olla pakottamista! Ei, ruoka on vaikeaa.) Siis... kaikki nämä pikkujutut jotka häiritsevät elämääni, ovat ihan tavallisia aspergeri-juttuja. Niiden kanssa oppii elämään. Ei ole mitään kummallista, että joku syö vain punaista ruokaa. Kummallista on että jotkut ihmiset välittävät niin hirveästi siitä mitä muut ihmiset syövät.
Muistan myös erään kokemuksen vuosi, pari sitten. Olin menossa tapaamaan psykiatriani ja sain paniikkihäiriökohtauksen. Seisoin rappusissa, yritin painaa itseni seinää vasten, jotta en olisi tiellä, ja joku hyväätarkoittava, huolestunut ohikulkija kosketti olkapäätäni kysyen olinko kunnossa. Ja minä aloin kirkua: “ÄLÄ KOSKE MINUUN, ÄLÄ KOSKE MINUUN, ÄLÄ KOSKE MINUUN!!!”
Jossain vaiheessa tajusin, että sen täytyi olla hyvin järkyttävä kokemus ja pystyin sanomaan että minulla on aspergeri, minulla on paniikkihäiriökohtaus, olen ihan kunnossa, mutta minun täytyy saada olla rauhassa, yksin, jotta rauhoitun. Tajusin myös että rappuset eivät ole kaikkein rauhallisin paikka yrittää rauhoittua, joten jatkoin matkaani ylöspäin, terapeuttiani kohti. Mutta kirkunani oli saanut ihmiset reagoimaan, ja rappuset tuntuivat olevan täynnä ihmisiä, jotka yrittivät rauhoittaa minua, ja se vain pahensi asiaa... Lopulta joku haki psykiatrini, joka rauhallisella äänellä sanoi “Sanna... Ebba tässä...” Ei yrittänyt koskettaa, ei yrittänyt selittää, ihan rauhallisesti vain ilmoitti, että siinä on joku turvallinen ihminen, eikä minun tarvitse yrittää hallita tilannetta millään tavalla. Pystyin sanomaan, että jos hän menee edellä ja katsoo että ovet on auki, seuraan perässä, jotta hän pystyi viemään minut huoneeseen...
Rappukäytävä oli aivan liian avoi ja valoisa, lasia ja valkoiseksi maalatut seinät...
Kuivuriin kömpiminen kuulostaa todella hyvältä idealta. Tai matkatavarahylly.
Minä pidin kirjasta todella paljon.
Toinen juttu, joka häiritsee autisti-spektrumilla olevia ihmisiä, on Christopherin näennäinen välinpitämättömyys toisista ihmisistä. Christopher ajatteli vain itseään. Minä en kokenut sitä sillä tavalla. Minä koen sen paljolti niin, että muut ihmiset kokevat minut (tai ei ehkä minua, koska olen kuulemma hyvin sosialisoitunut ja vaikutan normaalilta :-D) itsekeskeisenä ja tunteettomana. (Olen sitäkin kyllä kuullut) Jos minä kuvailisin elämääni, ajatuksiani, tuntemuksiani, en usko että toisten ihmisten tunteet, mahdolliset ajatukset, kuinka ne nyt reagoisivat, jos teen niin tai näin, olisivat paljonkaan mukana. (Onhan ne läsnä, kuten “sen täytyi olla hyvin järkyttävä kokemus...“)... mutta on sekin. Sanotaan koko ajan, että ei pitäisi ajatella mitä muut mahdollisesti minusta ja käyttäytymisestäni ajattelevat, ettei pidä olla “myötariippuvainen” (co-dependent), ettei pidä yrittää olla mieliksi muille kuin itselleen, ja sitten kun joku käyttäytyy sillä tavoin, tai kuvaillaan ajattelevan noin, ihmiset ovat kauhuissaan siitä, kuinka itsekäs ja tunteeton Christopher on!
“There are no redeeming qualities to this character. It is as though he is incapable of experiencing kindness or love but only goes through the motions of determination and fear.”
Täh? Että pitäisi olla joku Runeberg ja kirjoittaa rakkausromaani? Siis... kuinka paljon KAIKISSA MUISSA KIRJOISSA puhutaan rakkaudesta, suopeudesta, hyväntahtoisuudesta? Se vähä mitä Syystanssiaisissa oli, oli siirappia. Jos haluan lukea rakkausromssuja, niin valitsen sellaisen, enkä Yöllisen koiran tapausta.
Christopher kuvaili yritystään selvittää koiran murha, ja sitten matkaa Lontooseen, kuinka paljon siinä nyt pitäisi kuvailla miten paljon hän isäänsä rakasti? Varsinkin kun juuri sillä hetkellä ei rakastanut isäänsä ollenkaan, koska isä oli muuttunut siitä turvallisesta, luotettavasta isästä joksikin vieraaksi. Minusta ne käsihalaukset kuvasivat aivan riittävästi, että hän tosiaan piti kovasti vanhemmistaan.
Abre un panorama de cómo podría ver el mundo una persona autista y, de esta manera, puedes entender un poco qué pasa por su mente. A mi manera de verlo, es una pieza de literatura interesante para entender una condición humana, lo que nos lleva valorar y empatar su diversidad.
Summary: Christopher is a 15-year old boy who excels in math but struggles to understand human emotions, hates to be touched, and can’t stand the colors yellow or brown. As Christopher investigates the murder of a neighborhood dog, he begins to unravel some even bigger mysteries surrounding his own family.
Descubres (si es tu primera vez) un mundo tan impresionante como discreto del autismo. Ligero y sincero, para quienes deseen saber más sobre este tema o incluso sólo leer algo tierno y bueno, este es el libro.
Spoilers ahead!
This story was incredibly wholesome and an interesting read. We get to peer into the mind of a young autistic boy who is writing the story “himself” accompanied by his minddrawings and notes. This makes the book quite unique. What starts as a murder mystery (of a dog) unravels into a heartbreaking story of having to live with autism and a devastating divorce messing up a young child's life. I am glad I picked this book up from the shelves and I couldn't stop reading until I found out what was going to happen in the end.
If you need an endorsement, I read this book in a single day. I could not put it down. As someone diagnosed with autism, with many autistic friends, I saw myself in Christopher, and I saw many of my friends as well.
I will say however, I thought this book would be more of a mystery then it was, though I am not mad about it ending up the way it was. The killer is revealed halfway through the book, less from deduction and more from being told, but it spirals into a real and heartbreaking portrayal of family, especially for those who are autistic.
I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants a touching piece about family, autism, and the reasons we do things.
I read this during a pandemic because I was sad about pretty much everything else I was reading. Solid book, really engaging. Not really mind-boggling or crazy intense or anything, but it makes you feel nice when Christopher begins solving problems and bummed out when he struggles. It's nice.
May seem boring at some places...but it will be one of the best you have ever read...
This is a strange book. From what its protagonist, Christopher, says about himself, it sounds like he's somewhere on the autism scale. Once confronted with criticism about how he portrays Christopher, the author, Haddon, (from now on: The Weasel) takes the easiest possible way out:“2) curious incident is not a book about asperger's. it's a novel whose central character describes himself as ‘a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties'. indeed he never uses the words ‘asperger's' or ‘autism' (i slightly regret that fact that the word ‘asperger's' was used on the cover). if anything it's a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way. it's as much a novel about us as it is about christopher.”That's from The Weasel's now-defunct blog but - thanks to Wayback Machine - you can find it here: http://web.archive.org/web/20180825081243/http://markhaddon.com/aspergers-and-autism“Asperger's” is on the cover but it's not what the book is about. Ooookaaayyy...But, hey, at least to The Weasel, he has a good reason for this. From the same site:“1) i know very little about the subject. i did no research for curious incident (other than photographing the interiors of swindon and paddington stations). [...] imagination always trumps research.”(Emphasis by me!)“imagination always trumps research” - so, yes, The Weasel just pulled something from his arse and put it on (e)paper. There is a lot I could say about the demerits of this book but I'll leave it to someone who actually seems to be an expert on the subject matter:http://disabilityinkidlit.com/2015/04/04/review-the-curious-incident-of-the-dog-in-the-night-time-by-mark-haddon/Read that article, not this book. Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram
Told from the perspective of Christopher, a teenaged boy with a severe social disability, this adventure leads him outside his comfort zone and everything he knows as he tries to sleuth out who murdered his neighbor's dog, Wellington. With the help of his teacher, Siobhan, he begins to write a book about his detective work, until his father discovers what Christopher is doing and commands him to keep his nose out of other people's business. Christopher never breaks a promise, but if he doesn't find out who killed Wellington, then who will? And that's not the only thing Christopher will dig up by the time he's concluded his book.