The Death Cure

The Death Cure



Average rating3.4

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November 12, 2011

The final book in the Maze Runner series was easily the worst. The world, which was still mostly unknown to us readers, was simplified perhaps too much with an easy solution out.

January 3, 2015

5 stars...

lovely ending..

November 26, 2015

It was alright, but I only read it to see how the trilogy ended. The rest of the trilogy was pretty psychological and exciting, and this was very predictable.


Très chouette fin et en regardant en ailleurs une super saga. Les personnages sont attachants, l'univers intéressant, l'intrigue et l'action palpitantes.

October 28, 2014
April 11, 2015
June 8, 2014

The final book in the Maze Runner series was easily the worst. The world, which was still mostly unknown to us readers, was simplified perhaps too much with an easy solution out.

January 3, 2015

Not as good as the 2nd Book


This was really nerve-racking ending to the main Maze Runner trilogy. I was feeling it all the way with Thomas and the last 50 pages were really the best. Now I am looking forward the two prequels to see what background does it all have.

March 2, 2021

3,5 stars only for the ending. the rest deserves 3 stars

February 13, 2015
October 7, 2015

No fue el final épico que esperaba pero tampoco estuvo tan mal. Hay muchas cosas que no me gustaron porque sentí que hay ciertos vacíos, pero como ya dije: no estuvo tan mal...

August 6, 2014
April 26, 2014

I remember being absolutely heart broken after finishing this

May 22, 2012
March 16, 2013
April 28, 2014

Well, this was disappointing.
Was so interested in reading this series. Liked the Maze Runner, Scorch Trials was okay and this one,

September 28, 2018
February 19, 2016

very dark dystopic book. poor teenagers carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders...

May 23, 2015

Book Review: The Death Cure by James Dashner (Maze Runner #3) - a series worth reading if you like young adult dystopian trilogies

click through for the full review on my blog

August 25, 2013

This book...I wasn't entirely happy with the resolution, but it was better than I was expecting. I felt like Thomas was very immature and kind of fickle when dealing with his dealings for Theresa/Brenda...but that might just be my own age talking. They ARE teenagers, after all.

November 8, 2015
January 30, 2015


July 21, 2024