The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakespeare in Two Volumes. Volume II (Antony and Cleopatra / Coriolanus / Cymbeline / Hamlet / Julius Caesar / King Henry VI. Part 1 / King Henry VI. Part 2 / King Henry VI. Part 3 / King Henry VIII / King Lear / King Richard III / Lover's Complaint / Othello / Passionate Pilgrim / Pericles / Rape of Lucrece / Romeo and Juliet / Sonnets / Timon of Athens / Titus Andronicus / Troilus and Cressida / Venus and Adonis)

The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakespeare in Two Volumes. Volume II (Antony and Cleopatra / Coriolanus / Cymbeline / Hamlet / Julius Caesar / King Henry VI. Part 1 / King Henry VI. Part 2 / King Henry VI. Part 3 / King Henry VIII / King Lear / King Richard III / Lover's Complaint / Othello / Passionate Pilgrim / Pericles / Rape of Lucrece / Romeo and Juliet / Sonnets / Timon of Athens / Titus Andronicus / Troilus and Cressida / Venus and Adonis)