The Editor

The Editor


Average rating4


This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

Hope is the true immortal in life. It never leaves us and it never dies. Sometimes, hope's gentle voice might be drowned out by all the noise in our lives. But find a hidden corner, listen hard, and you will always hear the quiet song of hope.

The Editor

The Editor

That small hiccup overcome, however, the story not only settled in their laps but purred happily in the process.

And Florence, despite her sad experience of how life could always find a way to confound her, smiled. Optimism was always one of the toughest drugs to quit.

je ne sais quoi

‘What do you think should happen to whoever might have taken George, and the other cats?'

‘Death!' Elizabeth declared, with all the certainty of her soul. ‘I never understood why we abolished the death penalty in the first place. Here now, if ever there was one, is surely a case for bringing it back.'


The Editor

prima facie

“There's still hope. Of course there's still hope. There's always hope. Feel it. Live it, breathe it...”

TV Detective

September 2, 2019Report this review