Average rating4.3
This is the most beautiful work I have read yet. This trust in the unknown is what I have been searching everywhere lately.
This lays out how to live for ethics are the guidelines and ambiguity is our condition till we die. Life is a negative, but we can aim for higher disclosure through error and effort. We must contribute a positive effort which cancels out the negative, but we also cannot be anything full or complete, we can only keep seeking traits, images, ideas of the whole. Traits aren't fixed and making an effort to disclose them to the highest capacity you are able to is what makes you truly possess the lack of them, the lack you turn into a positive, but not a whole.
Live for yourself and others for not serving others or taking their bs is not serving you.
Love this. Thank you. Reading this work felt the opposite of a chore, it felt like cleaning my mind and a rush of energy.