Average rating3.8
Easier said than done, but consistently applied over years as an organization grows, psychological safety should grow with it. My impression is that the tech industry is making decent progress overall in this area.
A great book, overall! Unfortunately the juice is in the last 30% of it. Everything else feels like chit-chat with constant repetitions that sound like “trust me, it's like this”.
Anyways, still a great read.
Ciekawy i ważny temat, kompletnie utopiony w powtarzających się historiach. Czyta się szybko, ale brakuje konkretów. W zasadzie wystarczy przeczytać zamykający FAQ, przekartkować pozostałe rozdziały i już z grubsza jest się „ekspertem”.
I read this book twice and place this among my recommended book for leaders.
Having Psychological Safety for is an enabler for increased productivity, employer satisfaction. I think anyone leading others need the knowledge in this book to have as a platform to understand how you start building a team that actually can work together.
The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson provides a comprehensive look at the importance of psychological safety in the workplace. Edmondson outlines the benefits of psychological safety, as well as strategies for creating it in the workplace. This includes creating a workplace where employees feel respected and valued. It also includes providing employees with the opportunity to develop their skills and contribute to the organization's success. By implementing these strategies, organizations can create an environment of psychological safety that encourages employees to take risks, speak up, and innovate. If you are looking for ways to create a psychologically safe workplace, this book is a must-read. Read the book to learn more about how to build a fearless organization.