The Flash, Vol. 15: Finish Line

The Flash, Vol. 15: Finish Line

168 pages


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

The final collected edition in Williamson's run focuses on Eobard Thawne, and does a good job of it. There's plenty of action, but also some reflection on the character and his motivations. It's also an ode of sorts to the Flash Family, with Barry the core of it, but the presence of his support network also being crucial. This makes it partially an excuse to get as many supporting heroes and villains into the last few issues as humanly possible, even if some of them just appear once or twice in the background of a splash panel. It feels a little self-indulgent at times, but if a writer can't be self-indulgent at the end of their run, then when can they be? (And I do feel some sympathy for Avery when she keeps having to say “who's THAT?” - albeit she mainly says it about the characters I recognise, not the many I didn't).

This has the feeling of a celebratory lap, which I guess is the point.

November 18, 2021Report this review