Average rating3.6
I enjoyed the first book a lot but the sequel was somewhat less enjoyable. I think I would've enjoyed it more as a teen, but the characters weren't developed enough to capture my current attention. I still find the story interesting enough to continue. The magic system is developing into something... odd - starting to feel more like a philosophical construct than a real plot device.
This is the kind of book where, if you think about it, you can probably predict certain, major events. But I was listening to the audiobook and it didn't occur to me to try to make such predictions until it was too late.
The conclusion is very exciting and now I can't wait for the third book to come out!
the author tries to explain himself in the afterward but how all of the young female characters act in this book is awful. the way sex, sexuality and relationships are presented in this is... bad.
the story of wad and the power struggle with the kingdom and the Queen was the only thing that kept me going through this and i dreaded picking this book up every time. so much of it was just so boring and needless. i was so happy to be getting to the end of the book so i could cross it off and never think about this series again but then the thing with the Queen happens at the end. it's always the way. I'm yet to decide if I'll put myself through the chore of reading the last book, or just try and find a decent summary somewhere