The Girl Behind the Wall

The Girl Behind the Wall

2021 • 400 pages


Average rating5


This was a thoroughly brilliant read!

I've not really read anything relating to the Berlin Wall and whilst this book is fiction, it was so good.

Despite this, the story really made you think about what the German people went through when the Berlin Wall went up, which happened overnight no less.

As you followed Jutta and Karin's story, you experienced everything from pain and sadness, to fear and terror. Everytime Jutta made a trip across the border, you found yourself holding your breath. It was so well written that even though I was only reading about it, I felt the tension. At times I found myself not wanting to read on!

Reading this also made me wonder how the German people actually lived with this for 30 years. Not just the fact that families suddenly found themselves separated, but living in fear of the Stasi and constantly looking over your shoulder. It's hard to imagine what it must've been like for the people who actually lived through it.

The book was really well written, especially when it came to ramping up the tension. The characters were really well written and likeable too meaning you really found yourself wanting the story to end well for them.

I would highly recommend this book.

Thank you to PH, NetGalley and Mandy Robotham for the chance to read this amazing book!

July 5, 2021Report this review