The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things

1997 • 344 pages


Average rating3.8


A book with ‘small' in its title tackled some big subjects at its core. The book's narrative is not chronologically smooth some even can say it's disjointed and confusing but for me, it was near perfect although I a few times got confused on the timeline It didn't make any impact on my experience cause the events and memories that Roy has written are most memorable not only for the individual characters but the way they're presented in, I would say it becomes somewhat memorable to the reader too. The prose was excellent, I just loved the metaphors she used and her humour. for me, the prose is a big thing for a book and this book has the perfect pH level for that. Neither too descriptive like some of the old classics nor too simple and bare-boned. Roy addressed so many sociological, cultural, and religious aspects here, sometimes the negative part. Even with All of this, her book didn't feel too saturated to the point of being careless and it didn't feel like somebody read a bunch of articles of societal and religious hypocrisy and dumped them at the same place.
I accept that some of the middle portions seemed rather mundane to the whole story that's why it doesn't become a 4.25 star read.
some might say that I enjoyed it more cause I'm pretty familiar with the political and social structure of that time, of Indian society but I think anyone who has a little knowledge about the political situation of that time along with keen observation and introspective thinking would be easily able to understand it pretty clearly.
so parts can be pretty triggering to some, but it was;t too gory in my opinion do check the trigger warnings before that. Otherwise, I am pretty sure I will recommend it pretty much to anyone who is looking for a realistic literary fiction book. It took me only 4 days even though I was only reading it on my breaks.
p.s- Now I understand why the hype and why it became a booker winner

May 11, 2022Report this review