The Good Daughter
2017 • 528 pages


Average rating3.8


“I've got to figure out before I die whether I want to be happy or I want to be right.”

Before I get into this review, I do just want to give a disclaimer that there are triggering subjects and scenes in this book that go into graphic detail so maybe check out the trigger warnings beforehand.

Now into the review...

I have been wanting to read some of Karin Slaughter's books for so long. She has always been an author that has been hyped up when it comes to Thriller and Mystery books. I am so happy to say that I was not left disappointed.

The Good Daughter, from the very moment it started, had me hooked by its twisted and eerie atmosphere. When I'm reading from this genre, I want to be left feeling unsettled and this did that so perfectly.

I didn't want to put this down because I felt sucked into the whirlpool that had so many questions that needed answers. The mystery? The plot twists? This was everything I was wanting it to be. I can't express how many times I went out to my family and uttered the words “Karin Slaughter? What a writer!”

Usually, when books jump between two timelines it can become quite confusing and difficult to follow but the way it was written in this book was executed so well and left me wanting to read more from both timelines.

I can see myself revisiting this book in the future and I am so excited to read more by this author!

March 13, 2023Report this review