Cover 4

The Gray Lady Winked

The Gray Lady Winked

How the New York Times's Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History


Average rating1


The amount of blah-blah-blah I had to wade through just to get to the first chapter was very off-putting. It's never a good sign when the author says in the preface (not to be confused with the foreword or the introduction which sandwich said preface) that no one wanted to publish it because the New York Times is too powerful. Sigh. Or maybe it's not well structured and full of typos? The first couple of chapters indicate clearly that the author is not interested in informing or entertaining readers with tales of how faulty journalism can have far-reaching consequences but treating the newspaper in question as a villain in their imaginary culture war. DNF cause of how bad the writing is.

August 19, 2022Report this review