The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

1925 • 94 pages


Average rating3.8


[11th Grade]

Update: About a week ago I received an email from a Goodreads user about my rating and review of this book. The user said that my review “disrespectful and triggering” and that I “need to delete my account,” and ended the message with a death threat. First of all, I have no idea how they got my email in the first place. Second, of course, I deleted the email, blocked the sender and blocked the user on Goodreads.

I honestly cannot believe that I have to say this, but if you are offended by someone's review of a book that you like, you probably don't need to be on this website. There is a blatant warning at the bottom of my profile that says that I “curse in my reviews” and that “some of my reviews may be taken as “too harsh” so if you are easily offended please don't read my reviews or send a friend request”.

I wasn't even going to post anything about this, but I just want you all to understand that if someone has a different opinion than yours, it isn't a shot at you. Learn to stop taking things personally. Hell, from what I've learned a difference in opinion can possibly be a good thing. You see something that pisses you off? Just keep scrolling or unfriend me.

I have deleted the review to prevent any further hate spamming from any user on Goodreads.

Thank you for reading.

March 21, 2018