Average rating3.8
Me gustó mucho, me resultó muy interesante y me parece una buena opción para adentrarme a los clásicos. Una gran historia con una crítica social que lleva a la reflexión en muchos puntos de la novela y que hoy en día, por lo menos para mi, tiene el mismo impacto que en sus años de publicación.
“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
“I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.”
I had some problems with this book, but overall I though it was fine. My main problem with it was that the characters were worse than I wanted them to be, but it's a personal preference so I can still see why it's a book loved by many. And I liked the writing style and Nick's narration.
Good book, overall, just a very solid read. Beautifully written. There were some aspects that made Gatsby such a lovable character. We can take some of his philosophy and way of living and apply it to our lives and it would make them more exciting and alive, not necessarily better, but definitely more interesting.
One of the things that I take from this book, and that was even more emphasized having watched the movie adaptation of it, was the way in which scenery is depicted, regardless of how important or unimportant to the story it was. Everything so peculiar and embellished, no object in this book seems to go unnoticed and praised. Whether for good or bad. Whenever I think about Gatsby, I think mostly of the landscapes this book describes, that will stick with me for a long time, and to be honest I believe this to be a huge praise to the author.
This left me wanting to read more from the author in the future.
Probably the best depiction of the artifice of wealth ever? Also a fascinating love triangle that actually forms a triangle if you map it out
[11th Grade]
Update: About a week ago I received an email from a Goodreads user about my rating and review of this book. The user said that my review “disrespectful and triggering” and that I “need to delete my account,” and ended the message with a death threat. First of all, I have no idea how they got my email in the first place. Second, of course, I deleted the email, blocked the sender and blocked the user on Goodreads.
I honestly cannot believe that I have to say this, but if you are offended by someone's review of a book that you like, you probably don't need to be on this website. There is a blatant warning at the bottom of my profile that says that I “curse in my reviews” and that “some of my reviews may be taken as “too harsh” so if you are easily offended please don't read my reviews or send a friend request”.
I wasn't even going to post anything about this, but I just want you all to understand that if someone has a different opinion than yours, it isn't a shot at you. Learn to stop taking things personally. Hell, from what I've learned a difference in opinion can possibly be a good thing. You see something that pisses you off? Just keep scrolling or unfriend me.
I have deleted the review to prevent any further hate spamming from any user on Goodreads.
Thank you for reading.
Good book. There's a reason they teach it as “intro to symbolism” in high school.
“Several reviewers felt the novel left much to be desired following Fitzgerald's previous works and criticized him accordingly.” - Wikipedia
One of the things that makes this novel so good is Fitzgerald's brevity, no stuffing or filling it with unnecessary details.
This is my second time reading this book and it is still amazing! I always hate how it ends but I love it nonetheless. Fantastic.