Average rating3.8
The Hallowed Hunt continues on in the same world as Curse of Chalion and Paladin of souls, a world that Lois McMaster Bujold has crafted with a skill that makes me seethe with jealousy. While Chalion investigated the Gods of this realm and Paladin focused on the demons, Hunt delves into the theology of tribal shamans who existed before the “modern” times of the story. Just being able to use the words “delves into the theology of tribal shamans” kinda makes me feel like I'm back in a religious studies course only far more interesting.
If you love Bujold's worldsmithship, you really need to continue this series. That said, I was a little sad that none of the characters from previous books, not even Ista or Cazaril make so much as an appearance. Indeed, this book is set outside of Chalion in a completely different province. I can't really find fault in the characters, but for some reason I just didn't bond with them as easily as I did the other two leads. I think if Hallana's character had been replaced by Ista, I would have enjoyed the book a lot more. We would have had to shift some of the other character's godly alignments, but it would have been completely worth it to have Ista back.
Hunt is still a better book than many I've read this year, but in the end, I'd sooner return to the earlier novels for my love of their protagonists. Still, I don't think I'll ever get sick of Bujold's intricately detailed worlds, and for that alone it deserves four stars.