Average rating3.7
Take a drink every time the narrator mentions how tiny she is and you'll be blackout drunk in the first 50 pages. I didn't hate this but it also wasn't as amazing as its reputation. Lucy was a fun character and I didn't mind being in her head, but she also felt weirdly isolated. Like, she doesn't seem to have any hobbies or friends or even a pet. All she seems to do is work, Skype her parents, and obsess about Josh. The book makes a big deal about how Lucy's best work friend got fired and blamed her, but girl. Go to a yoga class or something! Having said that, I did enjoy this. The banter was fun and it was a perfectly pleasant long holiday weekend read, though not something I feel like I'll want to revisit.
Maybe I read way too many romance novels but I don't find Josh & Lucy's romance particularly enthralling or even mature. I feel like I'm watching two junior highschool kids awkwardly stumbling towards romance.
This was a great quirky fun read. I really enjoyed the banter between the two main characters and loved seeing their relationship progress. The ending did seem a little rushed and there was this weird obsession with explaining that the characters fit together perfectly (their bodies not so much their personalities). It was just a weird description that I noticed over and over.
CAWPILE Breakdown:
Characters: 9
Atmosphere: 8
Writing: 7
Plot: 5
Intrigue: 8
Logic: 6
Enjoyment: 10
I read 99% Mine last year, and it was very “meh” for me so I put off reading The Hating Game.
I don't know if the delay helped it, but I ended up liking The Hating Game a lot. The trajectory of the relationship wasn't a complete surprise, but the characters were so well developed that I was actually invested. It was a fun, quick read full of banter. I'll try the author's next book out and hope it's more like this one.
Não digo que foi o melhor livro que li até agora, mas foi um livro muito engraçado! Foi mais adulto, talvez foi por isso que gostei mais. As personagens foram interessantes e dinâmicas, a maneira como interagiam um com o outro era engraçada e fofinha ao mesmo tempo. Achei que, no geral, a história e o desenrolar foi bastante perfeito, nem muito longo nem muito curto! Teve aquele romance e erotismo certo nos lugares certos. Gostei bastante! Acho que quem gosta dos livros no estilo odeio-te/amo-te, devia ler este livro!
I've had this book for a very long time and it has great reviews but I was always apprehensive about it. And now I know I was right.
Hate to love is an interesting trope and I have enjoyed reading it in a lot of New Adult novels, but not this one. Spending the whole book in the head of Lucy didn't help either. She spends most of the time either thinking about how much she hates Josh, how she can one up him or how unfairly attractive he is – it just gets too exhausting after a point. Josh is an asshole in the beginning but he does show a softer side of him sometimes and I liked him a little towards the end.
The pacing was quite slow here and there is not much of a plot except waiting the whole book for Lucy to realize Josh loves her and she loves him back. There are also hardly any developed side characters and it gets a little repetitive to just read her internal monologue and her conversations with Josh throughout the book.
That doesn't mean this book isn't entertaining. The writing style was unique and very very metaphorical, which made me laugh quite a few times. The dialogue is quite flirty and the banter was a lot of fun to read. Overall, it was just an okay book for me which didn't give me any flutters like my other favorite romance novels.
Such a fun read with lots of laugh out loud and swoon-worthy moments! You can feel the tension between the two MCs as they go from being office enemies to something more. Think Rachel and Gavin from Friends. I loved all of Lucy's quirks and how Josh just accepted her for them. I loved everything about this story and I'm excited to read more from this author! Definitely one of my favorite reads of 2016!
It was okay. However, I expected more. Just not worth all the hype around this book.
Loved this so much!! Josh and Lucy work together. They also hate each other, or do they? There is a promotion at work they both apply for which on intensifies the hate. But, the hate may not be real. I am already planning a reread!!!!
I have been so conflicted about this book for quite some time. On the one hand I really liked it. On the other hand I had some issues with some of the aspects and things that happened in the book.
First of all: after reading the Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas, I realized that I am a sucker for office romance books. I don't know why, it's just the truth
The trick is to find that one person who can give it back as good as they can take it.
It was mostly fun. The will they won't they part was fun but of course, afterwards it became the typical cheese factory. (I might have also been sick of the no. of times the psychical perfection of the main leads was brought up. Honestly, when are we going to move of from this trend?
This is one of my favorite books ever! The dynamic in this novel is something that I love and this is the best I've ever seen it done. This author really allowed for a slow gradual build in the relationship between Lucy and Josh and I really appreciated that. The slow gradual build really allowed the hate to love trope to flourish (this is one of my favorite tropes). Both characters were so different from each other but relatable and that really enhanced the dynamic between them. The characters were very unlike what I expected and I think to a certain extent both characters contradict themselves in ways but it worked so well. Not to mention Josh literally looks like the guys, girls dream about! His personality really shines through about halfway through the book a well. I also really loved the family aspects of this novel. It shows many different sides to a nuclear, traditional family that most people don't discuss.
I am only a teenager but I loved reading from the perspective of two successful adults who had office jobs. I was never bored with the setting and I thought it really magnified the intensity of the hate in the beginning. It allowed a competitive streak to blossom between the two characters which made them hate each other.
Now to talk about my real favorite part. The banter between Josh and Lucy! Josh and Lucy's games/banter really made this book what it is. There are parts of this book where I was laughing out loud or my heart was melting. I am a very emotional reader so when a book can appeal to my emotions in that way, I tend to love them! I love how they would always threaten to report each other to HR or the passwords on their computers.
The writing style in this book was also fantastic because of how descriptive it is. I feel like there is a fine line with having beautifully descriptive writing and writing that is weighed down by too many words, and Sally Thorne found that balance. The way that the characters talked was also so unique to each character which I loved.
And lastly, one of the things I loved was how this novel twisted stereotypes on their heads. Sally Thorne took stereotypes and tropes of these characters and really changed them to be something unique. Josh I think defies the odds a lot of what a stereotypical cold, brooding, buff, tall guy would act like all the time. I think that adding a really surprising and interesting aspect to this novel.
All around I love this book so much and I will be re-reading this for sure in the near future because I already want to.
5✨ find my full thoughts in my romaceathon vlog >> https://youtu.be/rNWnJkqULn4
All I have to say is: WHAT AN AMAAAAAZING BOOK!!!!
I knew I was going to love it and I wasn't wrong. Enemies to lovers, office romance, gorgeous main characters? Give it all to me.
Compared to the other romance novels I've been reading, this was so much better. So much more story. I couldn't put it down!
4.5 stars
I had so much fun reading this book!
Lucy is adorable and feisty, Josh is broody and sexy and the banter between this two was freaking PERFECTION.
Their games, the humor, and the characters were fantastic, the story was addictive and I didn't want to put down my kindle.
The elevator scene... AMAZING!
There are a few cheesy scenes, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. Now, I get the hype about this book. Worth it in my opinion.
4.25“I have a theory. Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them.”Wow another one of those books that def lived up to its hype!! Didn't expect to love it this much.“The trick is to find that one person who can give it back as good as they can take it.”Reasons you need to read this:)-Set in a publishing house(haven't read any like this, and it was amazing!)-Grumpy sunshine trope-Lives up to all its hype-The arguments between Josh and Lucy were soo hilarious half the time!!-I was putting this off for a long time coz I thought that this would be a slow burn and over hyped but that is not the case at all so if that was the reason u were putting this off don't hesitate to start this!The reason I didn't give it a full five stars I feel like half the time the book was spent describing how tiny Lucy was! NOBODY NEEDS THAT! other than this no complaints:)My fav part of the book was when Lucy told off Josh's father, if I was faced with that situ I would have hidden under the table lol.. Like they say short but feisty:)Did you know that the epilogue to this is in [a:Sally Thorne 18002228 Sally Thorne https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1526286936p2/18002228.jpg]'s other book [b:99 Percent Mine 36300625 99 Percent Mine Sally Thorne https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1532485978l/36300625.SX50.jpg 52353841]?...check it out:) I am glad that the book is this hyped coz it deserves all that attention!Cant wait for the movie!!