Average rating3.3
If I could just get over how much I couldn't stand Mara and just wanted to sock her a good one right in the middle of her face. I tried to understand her but she just came across as an entire bitch. I would have given the book one star if I was basing it off of her alone. But I really do like how Darcy weaves a horror story....but it's her characters that I seem to never really vibe with.
very very very below average.
My favourite genre (or sub genre i suppose) is supernatural horror set in houses AKA haunted houses.
I also love horror novels but this book just fell very flat.
The main character is not a good person, she treats everyone around her like trash (like shes yelled at multiple strangers she only just met because they didn't magically know about her childhood) and shes very very VERY dumb.
Comedy was thrown in at the worst times. I love comedy in horror novels (thank u stephen king) but not when your near death.. it just takes me out of the story and atmosphere.
Neil was a big pushover. Grow a backbone and stand up for yourself Neil...like seriously???
It read like a middle grade book which is not a good thing when the story is very gruesome and meant for adults.
Maybe i just read this during a bad time. I'm living through a natural disaster right now, my house might be submerged any day now and a lot of people have died from it so far so i was using this book as a distraction from everything going on around me which might of impacted me.
i was hoping this would scare me more than the heavy rain outside but no.
I read this in a rocking chair which is ironic as a rocking chair is a common occurrence in this book so whenever the creepy lady in the chair showed up.. it felt like i was her because i was also slowly rocking in a creaky rocking chair.. idk but it was fun lol
This book just didn't do it for me. I wasn't annoyed with the characters or the writing or the plot, I just wasn't as “scared” as I wanted to be or thought I would be. In fact, I laughed way more throughout the book than actually felt eerie, which is funny when reading a horror novel. Not laughed because it was bad, but I found many parts truly funny. I can see the appeal, but for me I guess my expectations were too high. I still plan on reading some of the authors other works and see how they compare. If you want an interesting and entertaining story I recommend it, but if you want to truly get scared or creeped out there are better options.
Since I'm in a reading slump, I wanted something quick, fast paced, page turning, to keep me at the edge of my seat and the book did the job. The second half of the book I swallowed just in two days. I quite liked the dynamic between Mara and Neil.
What and interesting read. For me, it had enough suspense to keep it interesting. I look forward to reading the next story with these characters.