The Help
2009 • 534 pages


Average rating4.2

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June 29, 2011
April 10, 2023

I was conflicted

January 1, 2015

I really didn't care for the choice to use dialect for one of the characters, and the book touched on a little bit of Nice White Lady syndrome. It wasn't as bad about that as I feared it might be at the beginning, though. The dialect, though. Man.

October 29, 2010
June 15, 2010
May 10, 2010

A good story. Really makes you feel like you are the heat of the race relations during that time period. Looking forward to seeing it translated into the movie.

July 31, 2011
January 10, 2020

Very good story, great characters. Was a very interesting look at a difficult subject.

May 3, 2012
December 15, 2022
May 25, 2020
June 20, 2015

Contains spoilers

This was an excellent book it really made me look at the world the way another person would see it.
The only thing that was difficult for me was that there are some crude descriptions of male genitalia that area a little disturbing.

January 1, 2010
July 12, 2011
September 27, 2011

Občas mi přišlo, že se autorka do AAVE trochu zamotala a byla nekonzistentní, celá ta romantická podlinka u Skeeter mi přišla zbytečná a nepochopila jsem, proč tam byla. ( Jakože když pomáháš minoritám, tak to má dopad i na tebe? idk ) Jinak moc pěkné ♥

June 8, 2020


April 12, 2017

Loved it! Wonderful story with great narration from all the characters. I have read some people liken it To Kill A Mockingbird and I can understand why. Read it!

December 1, 2009
June 1, 2009

I loved EVERYTHING about this book! Would definitely recommend it to everyone ^_^

September 22, 2016

Wow!!!! This really, Really is a Powerful book, and deserves to be read by everyone!!!!

May 23, 2020

Well written with well developed characters - those I loved and those I loved to hate.

July 13, 2011

DNF @ 40%ish

I just can't bring myself to carry on with this one - it's too long, too slow and I already know what's going to happen from seeing the film so feel the intrigue is gone.

January 31, 2023
October 4, 2011
September 1, 2011