The Hidden Monastery
The Hidden Monastery
Average rating5
This book isn't written about our world, but it is a complete world. It has history, it has politics, it has airships! A lot of thought has gone into the story of this world and the people in it, and it shows. There is plenty of well-written action, scenes that keep you engaged and keep you worried about the characters (this isn't a book where nobody can die). But what really makes this book are the characters. Everyone has their own voice, has their own story, and they all have reasons for doing what they're doing. You don't have to like them to understand why they're behaving the way they are.
Captain Katarina Salisbury is in charge of her airship, and is on a fairly routine mission (if blowing up avalanches before they're a real problem can be counted as routine). Turns out that her mission isn't so routine after all... As one of the main characters, Katarina is easy to relate to (after all, haven't we all been put in charge of an airship at a young age?) She isn't a superwoman, but an ordinary person stuck in rather extraordinary circumstances.
Overall, an enjoyable and fun read. There is a hint (or more) of mystery, a splash of adventure, and an ending that leaves the reader hanging for the next in the series!