The Horse and His Boy
1954 • 250 pages


Average rating3.8

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This is not my favorite of the Chronicles of Narnia books. Interestingly, I think it is better developed than the previous ones I've read, but I don't really find Shasta to be a compelling character.

November 25, 2022

This was cute and fun!

June 17, 2022
December 5, 2021

Ugh. Boring and weirdly discriminatory.

January 4, 2023
August 19, 2016
January 5, 2022

It has some racist tones as expected since the book was originally published in the 1950s. Overall, it wasn't that bad, and I'm glad it had the Pevensies in the book during their reign.

May 17, 2021

I found this story a little hard to get into. Not sure if it's because you don't read much about Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy who you got to know so well in the last book!

August 15, 2020


it was okay, not my favorite though.

February 23, 2018

Two runaways travel together to escape troubles in their lives. They join with talking horses and discover a plot to go to war with Narnia, and they race to expose the plot before it is too late.

May 2, 2022
April 21, 2020

Not the greatest book in “The Chronicles of Narnia”, but still worth reading to my son.

October 17, 2011

Summary: The fifth Chronicles of Narnia book to be published, this book tells the story of Shasta and Avaris’s travels on their talking horses and role they find themselves playing in a conflict between Archenland and Narnia and the opposing Calormenes.

July 27, 2024

The Chronicles of Narnia series was another one of my likable books reading growing up. I read through this entire series in one month and definitely liked it. There were many things that definitely dragged on about these but overall I liked it but wouldn't say I'm a die hard fan.

January 1, 1993

2020 reading:

Summary: The only one of the Narian books that is primarily focused on the people of the world where the country of Narnia is located. 


March 25, 2013

4.5 only coz i forgot this was the kinda racist one lmao

May 7, 2023

Berbeda dgn buku2 terdahulu, di buku bertempat seluruhnya di Narnia, tanpa portal ajaib atau perjalanan antar dunia. Spt review buku sblmnya, rasanya kok kurang gmn gitu tanpa cerita kakak beradik Pavensie. Karena ini masuk kategori children book pastinya berkahir dgn happily ever after.

January 4, 2017


it was okay, not my favorite though.

February 23, 2018
November 5, 2023

El relato avanza un poco lento y es diferente a los actuales, pero sigue siendo hermoso. Se gasta mucho en la descripción, pero la historia en sí es buena.

January 1, 2020