The Hot Shot
2017 • 336 pages


Average rating4.1


Wow.. This book was unexpectedly good. I used to be very much into star crossed lovers, destined romances a long time ago and I have only started reading them again. This book was very enjoyable with good themes of friends turned lovers, importance of communication between partners and dealing with grief.
I especially loved Finn who despite being the famous great looking quarterback is also very funny, flirty, sometimes cheesy and not above showing his vulnerable side to the woman he loves. Chess is fierce and sassy and though she has her own issues with loss and abandonment, it was great to see her give a chance to herself to fall in love.
The writing is very funny and easy flowing, the banter between Chess and Finn is quite adorable and sexy and the development of their romance is done very well. I never thought I would I would like sports romances, considering I know nothing about football but I thoroughly loved this one and will probably check out other books by this author.

December 20, 2017Report this review