Average rating4
This book has to be bit off in huge chunks and devoured.
Minnie, is job hunting which is yielding very little result, due to a series of unfortunate events. Surprisingly, she finds a job as a housekeeper, which seems too good to be true.
The story unravels over the course, like petals of a flower, it goes deeper every page. It is not much of a linear story.
If not for a few elements, this would be decent 3 star thriller.
1) The revelation in the epilogue, which gives a new meaning and new direction to the story.
2) The sweet revenge.
3) The novel idea of hired help for domestic issues.
4) For once, men are getting hit on and women are getting rejected.
5) Humor
There is a surprise around every corner in the story. It keeps you edge. A really good highly recommended one time read (albeit slightly predictable.)