The Idiot


Average rating3


Jesse gives himbos a bad rap. But this title was very appropriate for this book because yeeish!

They're so cute, though! And if you're in the mood for fluff with a side of well intentioned miscommunication, this is the book for it.

One is so CRAZY for the other that it's a miracle it's still a secret.

'That little gap in the openings of his short legs is enough to vent the heat from his groin in my direction. I smell man, and that man is Jesse. I feel like a damn vampire right now.'

Yes, officer. This man <!>right here</i>

And the other is so OBLIVIOUS that somehow it makes total sense that he'd miss the glaringly obvious.

' I can’t believe I’m sniffing his crotch. Maybe I am obscene.'

Mmmm. Ya think?

But somehow they bounce off each other. Bounce into ridiculousness, sure, but a win is a win.

'For fuck’s sake. If he chooses right now to start bitching about that time he broke his wrist when we were twelve, I’m going to jerk myself off onto his stomach with no regrets. It’s been eighteen years, and I’ve still not heard the end of it. I told him not to ride his bike down that ravine.'


Also, don't you just love when the dumb one makes total sense to himself and thinks the OTHER is the dumb one?

' No one’s ever told me they loved me in my adulthood. How can I walk away from that? No wonder he’s single.'

Like, I promise you're both dumb. You can share it.

What I didn't love was the love realization of the 'straight' one. Felt very sudden and underdeveloped. But maybe that's a me thing because I prefer the MCs to realize it on their own rather than have it triggered by a confession.

Though to be fair, with Jesse, we'd have waited till the cows came home.

July 19, 2024Report this review